Monday 23 July 2012

WTF is Jesus Christ Numerology?

Sheree Crane is the person to whom Jesus Christ Numerology was first revealed, and it has become her obsession.  In answering the question:  “WTF is JCN”, she sent out the following email on Sunday, August 1, 2010, 9:50 AM [Note: this email was written in American; I’ve translated it into English.]

Hello Friends;
I do get a lot of email about “WTF is JCN” and what is “all this numbers stuff” and WHAT THE HELL DOES IT ALL MEAN ?
Every once in a while, I stop and explain things, but I have done that so often now that it just feels hard to do. I wanted to make everyone aware that I have a folder on the PENDULUM FORUM GROUP called JESUS CHRIST NUMEROLOGY.  In that folder are several files that explain many of the things you are curious and/or confused about.  I know there are many questions.  Many of those questions I cannot answer (yet), though I am interested in finding answers, if such there be.
Here is what I know for certain:
You are numbered -- intentionally. In wide and deep ways.
Traditional numerology -- as it is taught -- is hotly (sic) incomplete.  When you reduce a 2 or 3 or 4 digit number to a number less than 9, you lose most of the significance to the number.  Stop reducing. If something comes out to 223, then it’s 223, not 7:  although the number 7 matters, it is the 223 that you want and need.  We have been given a numerology system that adds only vertically and we have been taught to reduce that number.  That will give you some good broad info -- and it is helpful -- but
it is far from the info you need.
JCN is a 21 number system at this point. It took me 2 full years to intuit, activated by the 11-11-11 gate, an urge to look into the energy called THE GREAT PYRAMID OF GIZA, and some inspiration from a new friend named Gary Tenuta who wrote a fascinating book called THE SECRET OF NINE.  All of that combined with a dowsing message from an entity named HATHOR, of whom I had never even heard before, which sent me on this trip in early 2007.  I credit all of it to her.  She is the guide for the system.
I have been working on it 24/7 for over 2 years now.  I am blown away by it, and so thankful for it, because it caused my own deep and meaningful awakening, based on what I have learned about my own personal JCN with my family strings.  And more.
I don't know how the system works -- I just know snippets of what it might look like.  I sense it is a more complex system than I might be able to understand, but I understand enough.
Here is what I have learned:
THERE IS NO GOD ---THERE IS YOU and you are the Master and Commander ---and yes you have free will, once you learn the truth of what you are. You are the All ---all the time, capable of everything ---once you have access to all you are---but for now, you have been turned off in ways. This existence is called GENEISIS (GENE ISIS). The new female.
Our origins are not at all what we have been taught. We hail
from different star and planetary systems, and some of those are not material /physical such as here. The different blood types are likely a result of different races of extraterrestrial life...and we are all aliens.  (With nicer clothes maybe.)
The story of Jesus Christ has been hidden for the most part.  This is not his/her real name. There is a Jesus Christ however, but the name is a numerical icon, not a name icon.  You can call something by any name, and it doesn’t' really matter - if your heart and soul are in the right frequency when you use language (numbers). But it does help to know how language and numbers are used to control human life and the planet and the galaxy itself.
Everything has already happened.  Everything -- and it is numbered. There is a system that illuminates the past, present and future numerically and this system may have
a close resemblance, a hall of records of sorts.  But it is important to understand that every possible outcome has occurred already, so that nothing is impossible, or carved in stone. Time is an illusion. I have overcome my own death in the system: all the times I have come close to death in my own life, JCN has shown me my alignment with that specific illness or accident -- and I am still here.  In fact, I have used JCN no less than 10 times with myself and my family to find answers to help us when we have been
THE KEY [to using Jesus Christ Numerology] IS TO ENTER ENOUGH STRINGS INTO THE SYSTEM, AND TO ENTER THE RIGHT STRINGS.  YOUR OWN INTUITION MUST BE YOUR OWN GUIDE.  The JCN system was helped along with a great software tool given to me by a man named Felix Singer who took an interest in it. He developed the program. It is a free download on the Pendy Forum folder and at: and at my esnips folder.
THE FULL STRING MATCHES, where a string is bolded all the way across 21 numbers, is very rare in the system and holds the highest significance, in my opinion.  A full string match is a direct connection - in some way.  The FWA + BWA numbers are interesting because you have to know about the backwards English alphabet to get to those numbers -- which means it has been hidden.  The system will teach you EVERYTHING you want and need to know about you and your loved ones, and this
”movie experiment” we are in. Please see the files - and learn more....



Mrs. Crane states that, for now, JCN has 21-string coherence, but something may still be missing.  The original language of homo sapiens sapiens had 22 letters, as did the language of Mu, as did biblical Hebrew, as did Early Classical Greek, as does the Fryslan futhork.  What is missing in JCN is the presence of the observer.  See our previous post at and note (more than three-quarters of the way to the end) the comments about the presence of the observer changing the facts being observed.  Then read the discussion of the poems, A Green Dance for Nostra Davus and Alphabet Poem at  [The paragraphs are all numbered with a 4-letter code].  Note in particular paragraphs OIAB, OIAD to OIAF, BEJB to BEJC, DNJE to MKAB and this extract: for now the point to be taken is that all relationships are fundamentally mathematical, time-less and space-less, and even though one is not aware of the mathematics or does not consciously understand them, one uses mathematics in every act of creating – and one is able to perceive the results of the mathematics by examining the creation.

[OICA]...’By their fruit you shall know them’, Jesus said.  We are able to perceive the results of creation, without our conscious mind dealing with the underlying mathematics.  The subconscious mind, which operates faster than the speed of light, does, however, receive and interpret the numbers instantaneously to give us our first momentary emotional response to something new – person, thing, or event – to either attract us to, or repel us from, conscious and five-sensual further examination of the person, thing, or event.  It was by the fruit that we consciously understood meaning prior to quantum physics.  [This would be a good place to re-iterate Habbukuk’s warning against numerology (see ).]  The 22nd factor which is missing from JCN corresponds to the Green Language concept of Sabbat [see ].

As a footnote to A Green Dance for Nostra Davus, note that the present-life Andrea Riel-Lean was in a prior incarnation the real-life model for the girl from Andros in the Terence comedy written 22 centuries ago.  The present-life Nostra (New) Davus of our poem was in prior incarnation the real-life model for the slave, Davus, in that Terence comedy.  Therein, he plays the role of catalyst to bring about the marriage of Andrea and the real-life model for the play’s protagonist who in present-life is back as John David Caveney.  Terence, the author of these elementals, is himself also back in present-life as Taras Petryna, and these four entities have re-experienced much of their prior relationships, in different aspect, while they were all members of the Children of Perfection commune.  In their present lives, they have carried on the covenants assigned to them by the numbers of their previous lives; they only need a 3-of-21 synchronicity to be drawn, though thousands of miles apart, back together again.  Covenants not completed or revoked while we are in the third dimension are carried on (forwards and backwards [“everything has already happened”]) into the fifth dimension, from whence we must return to the third dimension again (not necessarily in chronological time – we often get re-born before we have been born into the life from which we are returning -- because we littered that life with covenants – the fifth dimension doesn’t have time or space) to clear the covenants.  This is why Mormons [frequently criticized by Mrs. Crane] baptize their ancestors, and this is why Operating Thetans reaching the higher levels of Scientology must sign a one-billion-year contract with L. Ron Hubbard – both of these religious sects want to tie you up with covenants from everlasting to everlasting.  You are numbered; your numbers apply in all time and in all space, but you can change the past by choosing new numbers, or better – by clearing all of your numbers (covenants).

Like Mrs. Crane, I’ll probably get emails:  “WTF do you mean?”






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