Thursday 12 July 2012



[extract from a recent forwarded e-mail]

Thank you, Uncle Sam, for keeping me safe... Thank You.  Now let me get this straight, Uncle Sam - You are going to start from kindergarten feeding my kids all sorts of "healthy" food from your illustrious food pyramid like bread, and apple sauce, and 1% milk, and chicken nuggets, and pasta. You are going to FORCE this on them and you've made it ILLEGAL for parents to even refuse MILK for their child without a doctor’s note. Good job... they need the hormones in that milk and we need to protect the kids whose parents don't care enough. Then, you are gonna continue your war on the supplement companies "for our own good" because we are not qualified to make a choice for ourselves. You need to protect us from the evils of unregulated plants, herbs, and minerals. I know, big guy, you made it illegal to ship more than 1oz. of 5% Lugol's Iodine, or more than 100mg of Vitamin C!  Thank God for you!  People could kill themselves with that!!  And, those organic farmers -- you've made it financially impossible for them to survive with all your regulations.  I mean, the big farm guys, you PAY THEM in subsidies to grow all that yummy genetically modified food.  I mean, THAT FOOD WILL SAVE THE WORLD FROM HUNGER!! Now, for the organic small farmer, he needs to PAY YOU to be able to produce his crops and get through all the red tape. Bravo, Uncle Sam. And be sure to put some regulations in about homeowners not growing big gardens and giving food to their neighbors... Wait, you did that with the Food Safety Bill?  Phew, OK, I thought you forgot that part.  Oh, and don't get me started on the Raw Milk people... ARE THEY CRAZY wanting to make a choice for themselves and their families to consume a product that is so "unsafe"?  And thankfully, through the hard work of federal inspectors and hundreds of thousands of tax payer dollars in sting operations, you've been able to destroy quite a few of those evil small raw dairies.  I mean, who are they to provide a product to someone who wants to buy that product?  And, I surely don't want to forget the statement the FDA put out earlier this year that..."people don't have the fundamental right to eat whatever foods they want."  We can't forget that; it's just so important to remember!  It is the government’s job to regulate our entire lives, including what we consume and if you disagree, according to Homeland Security, you must be a domestic terrorist -- so step off.  Thanks, Uncle Sam, for all you do!  And, ya know what, even if those crazy people who talk about FREEDOM and LIBERTY are right, you've got it all covered because you're giving us "FREE" health care!!  WAHOOO!!!  I mean, if pasta and applesauce and hormone laden milk really does make our kids sick, as those Food Freedom Quacks say they shall, we simply don't need to worry because the loving arms of Uncle Sam and his Free Health Care will be available to cure all our ills with the latest and greatest drugs from our AWESOME DRUG COMPANIES!!!  That'll make the drug lobby so happy and thus, our congressmen and senators will be happy.  We want them to be happy so they do nice things for us, right?  Plus, we'll have a vaccine for everything in the next 10 years anyway, so again, why worry?  I mean, the more people dependent on our big squishy lovey federal government the better, right?  That'll make sure that it stays BIG and POWERFUL for all of us who NEED it soooo bad.  Gosh, this system is so fantastic. As long as you stay big and powerful, we keep getting all the goodies we want like free school food pyramid lunches, the latest drugs, the best vaccines, the yummiest and the cheapest frankenfoods!!!!!  And as long as we want those things, YOU stay in power.  And as long as you keep taking care of us sick people, YOU stay in power; and when you're in power, we get FREE STUFF!!!  Although what will you do when all your regulations for proper eating make us all super healthy?  Nah, never mind, there will always be idiots who eat lots of fat and protein and supplements and RAW dairy... hahahaha they'll stay sick forever!  Yipeeeeee.... life is great!  Thanks, Uncle Sam, you're the best!

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