Thursday 19 July 2012


Free Love is Unconditional


There are many kinds of love but all love that is true is a variant expression of one same love which is God’s love. Every love we feel and express is actually the love of the Creator being expressed through us. We are messengers of God’s love. Life is a journey for us to discover more of who we really are, so that we can ascend to higher forms of love-expression until we can fully love unconditionally. That is when divine love flows through us uninhibitedly.

Unconditional love is love that is free. We are never really free to love when we have attachments which keep us from loving freely. We hold back from expressing love because we sometimes experience rejection, or because our love isn’t being reciprocated. When we allow ourselves to love unconditionally, we aren’t afraid of rejection. And we don’t need anything in return.

When we love unconditionally, we simply follow our hearts while keeping detachment from results. Conditions are attachment to results. We may desire to have things go a certain way with someone or something. But when we unconditionally love and accept what is, even if things don’t happen the way we intend them to happen, then we create the conditions by which the essence of what we truly desire does happen because it is no longer a requirement for it to happen.  It is free to spring forth.

Loving unconditionally is loving with acceptance and not requiring change. We might desire positive change but it does not change our love if change doesn’t happen. Even when negative change happens, it still doesn’t stop us from loving. It is being willing to love even if never rewarded, because the love itself is its own happiness. When others love us unconditionally, they love us just as we are. It is the most beautiful kind of love that we can experience -- because that’s when we are truly loved.

The fullest unconditional love does not only love us as we are but it also loves all that we are. It loves our entire world. When someone loves us totally, they love all that we are and that includes loving our entire world. They seek to express love not only to us, but to everything that is a part of our world.  Such fullness of love on Earth is meant to be experienced between two soul-mates created for one another.  They love each other more than anyone else, and they love each other to that extent.

When we do anything with love, we are doing so for the joy of expressing what’s within us and not for results. It is like when I am passionate about gardening and am doing it because I love doing it and not because I want to achieve anything.  I might desire results (abundant crops) or achievement (honourable mention in the annual Brampton Garden Show) but that is not my primary motivation. I will still continue to putter about in my garden even when nothing else happens. My actions are internally driven and not externally driven. I am just letting my heart guide me fully.

When we love with unconditional love, we love with the purest motive of desiring the highest good for the other. We may have certain beliefs about what would be best for that person, but we are willing to let go of our wishes if the universe has something else in mind for them.  We do not enforce what we think they should have, but we surrender to the will of the Creator.  We desire what’s truly best for our loved ones even though it may not be what we originally thought it was. After all, the best is what we really want!

No matter what happens, we must keep on loving and never stop. We persist in our loving not because we have to but because we are just staying true to ourselves.  We know that the love is always there and so we don’t hide or run away from it when things don’t seem to work out. When we choose to be authentic, there is simply no other way to live but to give the love that we always have to give. We already know we can never stop loving, therefore we just surrender to the love completely.

Express unconditional love towards the one you love, and everything you do. The way you love is the way you live. Give yourself fully towards all that you love and accept whatever results you get with gratitude knowing that all is in divine order and is working together for your highest good. You may be insistent, purposeful and fully intentional in your actions and communication, but at the same time you are detached from the outcome. You are free of expectations and simply flow with the universe.

True love never fails. Unconditional love is the whole secret of the law of attraction with detachment. It is also the law of God-action and acting from spirit. When we act with these three laws of the universe, we can never fail to create what we truly desire which is according to our highest good. Unconditional love is simply God in action. When we follow our hearts and act according to our highest intentions, we serve the divine within. We are all here to do God’s work, which is to express Divine Love.

The greatest love of all is unconditional love. It is also perfect love because it allows us to act from love and not fear. All fear-based action is the result of attachment to outcome. Perfect love is fearless. We do not have to love -- because love is already present. We just have to realize it and allow it to be expressed through us. Unconditional love is only possible when we love God more than any other. We trust the universe completely. Loving God is loving ourselves with the best love.

Real love is selfless and free from fear. When we love from a place of freedom, we feel pure appreciation towards that person. True love is unconditional without demand for any return. Its joy is in the joy of giving. Love is God in manifestation, and the strongest magnetic force in the universe. Pure, unselfish love draws to itself its own.  It doesn’t need to seek or demand. Alas, few have the faintest idea of real love!  People are selfish, harmful or fearful in their affections, thereby losing the ones they love.  Jealousy is the worst enemy of love for it causes our imagination to go wild, seeing the one we love attracted to another, and these fears inevitably objectify if they are not neutralized.

Example: Jane was in deep distress because Dick, whom she loved, had left her for other women.  Dick said he had never intended to marry Jane.  She felt torn with jealousy and resentment. She said she hoped he would suffer as he had made her suffer. She felt so indignant about how he could leave her when she loved him so much.  She was told that she was not loving Dick; she was hating him. She could never receive what she had never given. Give a perfect love; receive a perfect love. Jane had to give Dick a perfect, unselfish love, demanding nothing in return. Do not criticize or condemn him, and bless him wherever he is. She replied that she wouldn’t bless him unless she knows where he is. Well that is not real love. When she sends out real love, real love will return to her either from Dick or his equivalent.  If Dick is the divine selection for you, you will not lack him. As you are one with God, you are one with the love which belongs to you by divine right.  When you are no longer disturbed by what you perceive as the other person’s cruelty, he will cease to be cruel -- you are attracting ‘cruelty’ through your emotions.  Things remained the same for Jane for a number of months, but she was working on herself. She began to salute the divinity in everyone. She saw others not as their faulty selves but as the perfect image created.  She found herself becoming more poised and losing her resentment over time.  One day she suddenly said “God bless Dick wherever he is.”  Now that is real love.  When she had come full circle and was no longer disturbed by the situation, she was ready for the love of Dick or to attract its equivalent. A few days after she reached this point, she ran into Dick; they married shortly thereafter.

No person is your enemy, no person is your friend, but every person is your teacher.  We should become impersonal and learn what each person has to teach us, and soon we will learn our lessons and be free.

Suffering is not necessary for spiritual development. It is the result of violation of spiritual law.  But few people are able to awaken from their unaware state without suffering. When people are happy, they often become selfish. They become complacent.  Many suffer losses through lack of appreciation.  Example:  Mary had a very nice husband, Bob, but she often said that she did not care anything about being married, and it’s nothing against her husband but she was simply not interested in married life.  She was much more interested in other things to the point that she sometimes forgot she had a husband.  She only thought of him when he was present.  One day Bob told Mary he was in love with another woman, and left.  She was in distress and resentment but she was told that it was exactly what she spoke the word for.  She said she didn’t care anything about being married, so her subconscious worked to get her unmarried.  She now realized people get what they want, and then feel very hurt.  Later, she felt greater harmony with the situation and realized they were both better off apart.  That shows that it was alright after all, because Mary didn’t truly love Bob and they weren’t the divine choice for each other.  We must realize what we really want so that we won’t suffer needlessly when we do get it.  People get emotionally tangled up over losing something they never really wanted in the first place.  But don’t make the mistake of failing to appreciate what you have when it is what you truly want either.

We might think we love a person so much to the point that how could we not need that person’s love back?  We might think that if the universe brought someone else to us, that person could never be as good as the one we currently love.  But equivalent means equal or better than.  It won’t be less. If we give a perfect love, we will never get anything less than our heart’s deepest desire and our fullest satisfaction.  So we must love fearlessly and freely.


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