Kangaroo Poet Jaymes Gormann collects
Norman Mailer and Ernest Hemingway memorabilia and books. Norman Mailer had a
life-long fascination with Ernest Hemingway, and admired him greatly, but they
shared few interests other than boxing and drinking, and had very different
writing styles. Some of the other Kangaroo Poets have also been very interested
in both authors, and so there are some (distant) connections. In 1974, Kangaroo
Poet K’lakokum was a candidate for Mayor of Toronto [see South of Tuk Issues #16,
17, 18, 19] during the course of which he was twice interviewed on Gordon
Sinclair’s CFRB radio program. At the time of the second interview, Sinclair
presented K’lakokum [sold it, actually, $10 – typical Sinclair] with a copy of
Mailer’s book, Existential Errands, pointing out that Mailer’s platform as a
candidate for Mayor of New York City in 1969, recorded in that book, was
virtually identical with K’lakokum’s campaign in 1974. The latter had never
read Mailer -- the connection was co-incidence [synchronicity?] – but
subsequently read all of Mailer’s books, leading to many long debates with
Kangaroo Poet Jaymes Gormann who worships Mailer. This is part of the
background to the following collective poem written at a Kangaroo re-union
workshop. The poem includes K’lakokum’s tongue-in-cheek criticism of the whole
body of Mailer’s work, comparing it unfavourably, by parable based on James
Churchward, with Hemingway’s work, which prompted tough guy Jaymes to interrupt
the workshop and to defend Mailer with his fists, in an assault on K'lakokum
which Robbin stopped and K’lakokum still refers to as “the dance of Jaymes” [in
a pun on Tough Guys Don’t Dance]. So teen-age Kangaroo Next Generation Poet, Keesha, (13 at the time) had to
finish the poem mostly on her own, with Natt Morris gathering the earlier
scattered fragments off the floor and putting it all together as a cohesive
THOUGHTS ON Norman Mailer & Ernest Hemingway
by K’lakokum
and Jaymes Gormann
with Robbin Warde,
and introducing Keesha Washington
in an accord-ion effort
inspired by E. F. Dyck and
edited by Wm. Nathaniel Morris IV
at a workshop at the 4th Kangaroo re-union
Honey Bear Camp, Mexico, Indiana, 2004
K’LAKOKUM: Uncle, was Hemingway to Mailer,
an old man of see-saw accord
of balanced brevity, few words glower
his gloved fist to punch out a chord
not cascaded with paragraphs echoing
naked and dead thoughts, his sting
JAYMES: immediate.
sweetly pointed.
ROBBIN: sharply biting the flesh.
K’LAKOKUM: He not the corpuscled torrented heats
draining the sun, nor unfecunding prosist
whom no obedient atmosphere greets;
no catalyst to make the light persist;
word-constipated and asphyxiated, he rasps
abbreviations, aberrant fragments grasps
JAYMES: What?!!! Me or Mailer?
K’LAKOKUM: Poet and photographer?
ROBBIN: See, Marilyn Monroe’s chastity
sniff, the other disaster
taste, tempest and bleeding
hark, death for the ladies…
KEESHA: Whateverrrr!!!
Ah dunnt no yer HemmingMail, tho Einstein flunked
june-yer math cuz seven looked like a noze
and Pick-axe-oh’s brain was so dunked
by paint sniff he made triangles of doe’s
eyes; so my poems are likewize the axe-i-dent
of dimension-clash where perspective went
JAYMES: a-rye.
somehow long
of the ordinary.
KEESHA: So ah unnerstan yer Mailingway talk and so pity
Norman jealous to Ernest, Jaymes jealous to Karl
and vice vice versa, but you wrote in the city:
“Dyl’an’Mailer shared…” [why do you now snarl??!!]
“…were better than alone.” I love the math;
sacred numbers are my chosen path ----
ROBBIN: equations.
KEESHA: Poets are like katz dunnt add dunnt subtract
but shurrazell multiply the meanings in the word
of our equation, our akchord, this our new pakt
where Norman’s boxes full of sentences are heard
a diffrent tune than Ernest’s wee post-kard:
both turn koal into diamonds; is it too hard
to memorize the equations
which are merely transformations
of peecocks, roses, whales
and trilling knighting-gales?
THOUGHTS ON Norman Mailer & Ernest Hemingway
by K’lakokum
and Jaymes Gormann
with Robbin Warde,
and introducing Keesha Washington
in an accord-ion effort
inspired by E. F. Dyck and
edited by Wm. Nathaniel Morris IV
at a workshop at the 4th Kangaroo re-union
Honey Bear Camp, Mexico, Indiana, 2004
K’LAKOKUM: Uncle, was Hemingway to Mailer,
an old man of see-saw accord
of balanced brevity, few words glower
his gloved fist to punch out a chord
not cascaded with paragraphs echoing
naked and dead thoughts, his sting
JAYMES: immediate.
sweetly pointed.
ROBBIN: sharply biting the flesh.
K’LAKOKUM: He not the corpuscled torrented heats
draining the sun, nor unfecunding prosist
whom no obedient atmosphere greets;
no catalyst to make the light persist;
word-constipated and asphyxiated, he rasps
abbreviations, aberrant fragments grasps
JAYMES: What?!!! Me or Mailer?
K’LAKOKUM: Poet and photographer?
ROBBIN: See, Marilyn Monroe’s chastity
sniff, the other disaster
taste, tempest and bleeding
hark, death for the ladies…
KEESHA: Whateverrrr!!!
Ah dunnt no yer HemmingMail, tho Einstein flunked
june-yer math cuz seven looked like a noze
and Pick-axe-oh’s brain was so dunked
by paint sniff he made triangles of doe’s
eyes; so my poems are likewize the axe-i-dent
of dimension-clash where perspective went
JAYMES: a-rye.
somehow long
of the ordinary.
KEESHA: So ah unnerstan yer Mailingway talk and so pity
Norman jealous to Ernest, Jaymes jealous to Karl
and vice vice versa, but you wrote in the city:
“Dyl’an’Mailer shared…” [why do you now snarl??!!]
“…were better than alone.” I love the math;
sacred numbers are my chosen path ----
ROBBIN: equations.
KEESHA: Poets are like katz dunnt add dunnt subtract
but shurrazell multiply the meanings in the word
of our equation, our akchord, this our new pakt
where Norman’s boxes full of sentences are heard
a diffrent tune than Ernest’s wee post-kard:
both turn koal into diamonds; is it too hard
to memorize the equations
which are merely transformations
of peecocks, roses, whales
and trilling knighting-gales?
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