Tuesday 3 April 2012


Honesty is being clear and truthful to yourself and others about what you feel. Honesty prevents blockages from happening, because you are not hiding parts of yourself in shame. Honesty frees you to progress on your path and experience fully what you are and the choices you make. Honesty resolves all business right there and then. It is said and done, not hidden and carried around repressed for years upon years. The truth really does set you free. Being honest is the fastest way to resolve your problems.
Those who encounter recurring problems over and over again in their lives are not being honest with themselves and those areas. They are denying and hiding. They’re not facing and engaging things as they are. As long as the truth about a matter is being suppressed, it will seek to rise to the surface continually. The sooner you choose to handle something properly and fully, the sooner the issue gets cleared. You can tell when a person is not being honest as the problem seems to keep happening for them.
Honesty and awareness go hand in hand. When you are honest with how you think and feel about a matter, you become aware of what’s really going on within you and in the situation itself. But when you try to deny or make up unauthentic explanations, you keep yourself from having awareness of the truth. Awareness is the only solution to all problems, because understanding the problem dissolves the problem. The only way to have awareness is to be honest. Get to the core instead of fooling on pointlessly.
Honesty is about getting to the core and the essence. With honesty comes insight, which is the ability to see into the underlying nature of a thing. Honesty is the fastest and only true path of spiritual development. Those who are honest gain all the necessary awareness they can from everything they engage in whether be it a certain field of knowledge, a certain situation in life or a certain issue within themselves. Many people are not honest, so they’re ever learning but never coming to knowledge of the truth.
Being authentic is essential for increasing in awareness and becoming more conscious. Those who do not place truth above all else will always be trapped in illusions. Truth and love are one but the primary of the two is truth. The more truth you have, the more true your love is. Hiding the truth in love is not true love whether be it for self or for others. To be honest is the most loving thing you can do for yourself and for others. Being authentic empowers yourself and others with spiritually unhindered progress.
Being dishonest with others in your relationships with them will cause the same problems to recur over and over again with them. Stop sending mixed signals to others. Stop playing all your foolish games. Don’t say one thing and do another. Let them know where you stand clearly. Voice your likes and dislikes clearly. Don’t do anything half heartedly. Stop giving others ideas if you don’t intend on following through with them. Being honest will give you the best kind of relationships that most only dream of.
Too often we are not honest because we are afraid of hurting others or being hurt ourselves. But trying to prevent hurt by being dishonest will only create more hurt down the road. We are only hurt because of wrong thinking. The truth is any emotions we dislike are meant to be experienced fully as part of the whole matter. Only then can we move on to create anew from a place of truth and understanding. Truth may seem like it hurts sometimes, but it is the only thing that will set you free for real progress.
Honesty is about solving problem at its roots. A situation will only continue to go in the direction where the hidden issue is driving it towards, no matter how much attempt is made at covering it up. Lying or image carrying will not save a marriage that is going to the wrecks. Cordialness and reassurance will not help a business relationship that involves conflict of principles and characters of the partners. When you are honest, you solve all problems right at the core. You do not create further nonsense from it.
If you have an issue with someone or something, deal with it there and then. Do not hold off talking about it with the person you need to talk to, or hold off taking the action you’re supposed to take. Leaving it hanging would only mean that more unconscious factors are added to it, which need to be resolved later. You cannot walk away from an issue hoping that it will just go away. It won’t, because all problems are created within you and can only be resolved by facing that part of you along with those involved.
Those who are foolish will remain in their dishonesty and blindness from the truth. Those who are wise will see into the underlying nature of a thing and engage it head on. The most powerful and loving people are the most truthful. The least powerful and least loving people are the least truthful. Truth and love are one. You can only be as loving as you are authentic. Those who are most authentic have the truest love of all. A lesser hurt is as healing compared to a greater hurt. Truth always leads to healing.
Be aware first and foremost, of your thoughts, words, actions and feelings. Then be honest to yourself and others about them. This will progress you through blockages and limitations faster than you can imagine. It will resolve all issues faster than you can imagine. It will set you free more than you can imagine. What you resist persists. Honesty handles everything that comes your way without resistance by feeling and experiencing it fully. Without resistance, all that you desire flows to you fast and freely.

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