Friday 10 February 2012


(fraudulent misrepresentation and deliberate provocation)

[Previously published in South of Tuk] This item arose originally out of a comment string in which I came under virulent attack after posting on Facebook a link to Pat Boone’s contribution [ ] to the debate on President Obama’s Muslim background. This link is only indirectly connected to the NYC mosque issue.  It is connected on the issue of fraudulent misrepresentation and on the issue of deliberate provocation.  The link above essentially reasserts what is rapidly becoming general knowledge:  that Barak Hussein Obama is really Barry Soetoro, born in Kenya, and therefore not eligible to be USA President; further, that Obama's fraud makes him guilty of high treason, a crime which still carries the death penalty.  Increasing numbers of Americans not only want Obama removed from office – they want him executed.  Obama has not fulfilled the legal obligations of properly presenting his birth documentation to the electoral registrar, indeed, has now spent over 2 million dollars in continuing to evade presentation of true documents.  The electoral registrar, by having permitted the Obama presidential candidacy to proceed without properly vetting it, is equally guilty of high treason.  The link above also questions Obama's adult conversion to Christianity (after almost 30 years of active Muslim activity) and provides a list of circumstantial evidence to support the assertion that Obama continues to practice Islam, and thereby continues to fraudulently misrepresent his true beliefs, his history, and his objectives.  [See also ]
The issue of deliberate provocation arises in an incident in which a young Christian boy was suspended by his school principal for leaving, in the school cafeteria, in the area where Muslim students ate, a ham sandwich. [see and  ] The local school board upheld the principal's decision to punish the lad, because the board shared the principal's assessment that the placement of the ham sandwich was a deliberate provocation intended to arouse religious hostilities [i.e.; a Hate Crime].  Much of the response to this schoolboy prank fraudulently misrepresented it, and these fraudulent misrepresentations went viral on the internet.
The overall context of this discussion is within the frame-work of Bush/Cheney’s 9/11 false flag deception.   A fearful, self-destructive American mass public remains fully brainwashed by war on terrorism deception--- ignorant of history, and militantly oblivious to facts. The perpetual threat posed by a fabricated outside enemy, and a militarized, fearful populace, remain the centerpieces of elite policy, and they have been consistently maintained by both Bush/Cheney and Obama administrations. The demonization of Muslims facilitates continued pillage.  While violent hatred continues to be directed at Muslims (and other ‘foreigners’), the criminals who truly massacred 3,000 people in the World Trade Center continue to enjoy power, wealth, and high positions of world leadership and remain in control of virtually all aspects of society. Those who perpetuate the cover-up (including the Obama administration) still run the world, to mass public enthusiasm.
The opponents of the NYC mosque, which is the issue before us now, claim that completion of the Park51 project will be like that aforesaid unwanted ham sandwich. This NYC issue is a very emotional one, and both sides choose to ignore some of the facts of the matter, and to act without relating their activity to the overall context.  So, a quick review of some facts:   The project is not a mosque, although it is an Islamist religious project very similar to the way a YMCA is a Christian religious project.  Like the YMCA, this project will provide facilities such as swimming pool, equipped exercise room, art gallery, meeting hall, restaurant – all available for use by the general public.  The YMCA nowadays rarely even discusses Christianity -- many users of the Y's facilities don't even know that the 'C' stands for Christian.  The Y certainly no longer provides any kind of testimony for Jesus Christ.  Similarly, the NYC project is headed by the most liberal, secular and humanist variant of Islam, in the person of Imam Rauf.  He repeatedly has friendly meetings with representatives of the Jewish and other faiths, speaks out against violence, terrorism, anti-Semitism and inhumanity, and actively supports numerous libtard endeavours.  He is unlikely to provide much testimony for Allah or Mohammed.  The building site of the park – its formal name is Park51 – is more than two blocks from Ground Zero, and it will not be visible from Ground Zero.  The building project has complied with all relevant federal, state and municipal regulations.  The project was unanimously approved by the federal Landmarks Preservation Commission, and it was approved by a 29 to 1 vote by the municipal authority.  All building permit obligations have been fulfilled, complied with, and approved – there is no lawful impediment to completion of the project.  The building developer is a Muslim American citizen born in the USA who was injured in 9/11.
There are essentially three issues dividing people concerning Park51:  property rights, politics, and religion.  These issues are intertwined with each other in a morass which parallels conflicts continuant for centuries elsewhere where those three issues have been historically intertwined.  Ireland, Afghanistan and Viet Nam since the 10th century AD, or Israel since the 12th century BC, come to mind as examples.  Many people who have not thoroughly thought the problems through are able to be on both sides of the conflict at the same time; i.e., they might be on one side on the religious issue, and on the political side correspondent to that religious, but then they are on the property rights side not correspondent to the religious.
Liberal religion is supporting Park51, but conservative and evangelical religion is opposed to the project.  Both sides have had equally numerous protests, rallies, and demonstrations to assert their positions.  An added facet (an additional complication) of the Christian conservative attempt to make Ground Zero a national religious shrine is the implied assertion of the superiority of Christianity over all other religions.  This is antagonizing Muslim conservatives who continue to assert the superiority of Islam over all other religions.  This side-dispute cannot be resolved until one side succeeds in exterminating the other – and both sides do declare that objective:  Christians gleefully propose to exterminate Muslims second-hand by God's intervention after the rapture; Muslims obedient to the 83 relevant passages in the Qu'ran propose to exterminate Christians in this present life-time, before Allah's final judgment.
A further complication is the status of Official Religion.  Every civilization which we have studied in the Age of Pisces has been led by a trinity of king-priest-wizard, or state-church-science.  During the period from about 1840 to about 1980, (which I have labeled elsewhere as the Victory of Satan Epoch of the Age of Pisces), we had a concerted effort by a minority of activists, to separate state and church and science.  This was resisted by public opinion everywhere and by the end of the Epoch around 1980, when discoveries in quantum physics began to reverse the desired trend, very few nations had succumbed.  In fact, in all nations which are successors to the Roman Empire wherein Christianity became Official Religion in 321 ad, there are only two nations which are officially GOD-LESS: the United States of America and the Republic of Cuba.  All other Roman successors still have some form of Official Religion.  Since 2002, this has been the sole issue delaying a finalization of the Constitution of the United States of Europe.  The Official Religion of France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and others is Roman Catholic; of Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and others is Lutheran; of Britain is Anglican; and so on, and the proposal to eliminate official religion in the USE Constitution is vigorously opposed by all member-states. [See footnote on Canada’s Official Religion.]  The attempt by conservative Christians to establish Ground Zero as a national religious shrine is an attempt to generate an Official Religion, is an attempt to deliberately provoke adherents of other religions – to place the ham sandwich in front of them – to themselves do what they accuse the Park51 advocates of doing, and is also part and parcel of the practice of conservative Christians to continuously violate their own First Commandment.  Any statement which uses 'God And' – such as God and America, God and Country, or God and the Flag – violates a rule upon which all four Abrahamic religions agree:  It is 'God' period. Any 'ands' or other conjunctions grant equivalence between God and whatever follows – and that is idolatry.  [This was very eloquently stated in the 1960s by Eldridge Cleaver in Soul On Ice.]  The political divide arising from Park51 is between those that fundamentally wish to impose particular thoughts on others, and those who wish to encourage freedom to choose one's own thoughts.
The property issue, looked at from the libertarian-objectivist perspective to which I adhere, is more concrete and clear-cut – on the face of it.  Do whatever you like with your property as long as you do not interfere with somebody else's right to do what they wish with their property.  The conservatives regard Ground Zero as their shrine, their religious property, and claim an as yet undefined property interference from a proposed building which will be two blocks away, and invisible from the shrine.

1]Canada’s Official Religion: As far as Canada is concerned, the three Provinces which were nations before joining Canada have retained their original constitutional Official Religion provisions.  Newfoundland was officially Anglican when it joined Canada in 1949, and still is.  Quebec was formerly New France.  In losing the third Battle of the Plains of Abraham in the spring of 1760 (the English won the first and third; the French won the second), New France became English territory but retained by treaty its language, jura, and religious rights, later enshrined in the BNA Act which subsequently became constitutional law, retaining Roman Catholicism as Official Religion.  Catholicism was also the Official Religion of the Republic of Assiniboia which defeated Canada in the Battle of Red River in 1870 and became the Province of Manitoba, under terms and conditions which it dictated to Canada and which included continuance of the Official Religion.  The other seven Provinces do not have a constitutional definition of official religion, but five of those Provinces do have a provision that Roman Catholicism is acceptable as equivalent to the official religion, thus legally letting official religion in through the back door.  On the federal level, our Head of State is the Queen of Canada, and one of her titles – Defender of the Faith – signifies her headship of the Anglican religion.  Canada’s Official Religion is defined by tradition and Parliamentary resolution, which bypass the traditional constitutional law chain of other former British colonies [The Edict of Constantine, updated by The Act of Toleration, and downloaded to the Dominions by The Statute of Westminster, making such colonies officially Anglican] to simply go back to the Edict of Constantine which doesn’t name a specific Christian denomination, and the only doctrine Canadians are compelled by law to believe is the Doctrine of the Trinity.  This is symbolized in various ways in our traditions, for example: our Supreme Court has twelve judges, but cases are heard only by nine judges, the three empty seats signifying the Presence of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, the Ultimate Judge of all.

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