Sunday 12 February 2012


This was a FaceBook exchange worth preserving (I’ve corrected over 80 spelling errors, and added two comments, but otherwise this is the original as posted):
Annunaki Prophet and no one will let any facts get in the way
Sandra Schroeder why if you are from Canada would you enter a debate about our stupid President. By the way did you know more illegal immigrants cross into the US through Canada than Mexico every year
Karl H. von Harten oh, yes, we're letting them through like water goes down a drain!!...and to the first part of your comment: the Presidency of the USA is the most important political position in the world; if the USA insists on a policy, we must -- and most of the West does -- obey. So it matters very much, and Canadian support for Obama is demonstrated by a Gallup poll here which shows Obama with considerably more electability than our Prime Minister! May God help us all!
Karl H. von Harten ‎@Sandra: I had six posts deleted, each time within ten seconds of posting on that unrepublican fascistic site -- which one or ones did you catch? If you scroll down about five posts to the HAM SANDWICH item, you'll get most of what I tried to say.
Andrea Riel-Lean I guess it was democratic as opposed to republican in the original sense of those words? i.e., a democracy imposes majoritarian/totalitarian rule upon all opponents; a republic protects the rights of minorities even if it is a minority of only ONE person. cf.Patrick Henry. Our neighbour to the south stopped being a republic and became a democracy, contrary to the US Constitution, with the passing of the 14th amendment.
Doc Imbukwa ‎@karl. Hahaha. OBAMA. for CANADIAN PREMIERSHIP. lol we should gulp down the gullup poll!
Bernhardt Schmidt I subscribe to your posts, so I did get them (all 6) by email before they were deleted. I followed the link to the blog you were on. Over 100,000 people signed in at the time! And not a Christian word spoken! Lots of ignorance, obscenities, complete disregard to facts (as Annunaki notes above), and atrocious grammar indicating poor education -- Hosea's message about hating knowledge comes to mind, and that describes America today. Pray for Godless America!!!
Karol Hans Jewinski ‎@Andréa, Karl and Bernhardt's comments about majorities/numbers:
"Hain't we got all the fools in town on our side? And ain't that a big enough majority in any town?"
- The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
John David Caveney Here's another one to go with Hans' quote:
“In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, Brave, Hated, and Scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, For then it costs nothing to be a Patriot.” - Mark Twain
In the post above, we have a 100,000 people mob stampeding against God.
Karl H. von Harten ‎"If I were to speak your kind of language, I would say that man's only moral commandment is: Thou shalt think. But a 'moral commandment' is a contradiction in terms. The moral is the chosen, not the forced; the understood, not the obeyed. The moral is the rational, and reason accepts no commandments." - Ayn Rand
Peter Andreas von Harten What site/blog were you referring to??
Karl H. von Harten Peter, it isn’t just one blog or website. I have not before, in my lifetime, seen such expression of venom and hatred from friends, compatriots, and fellows – from MY people – as I see today. The storm troopers of Satan are speaking in Christian pulpits throughout America; their voices are heard in the assemblies of congress, and one hundred million Americans BY SILENCE ASSENT to the march towards holocaust [Hosea 4: “MY PEOPLE” perish]. When Jesus walked this earth, he not only vigorously attacked the organized church and state leaders of his day, but also their blind followers. It was the common people -- the mob -- that killed all of the prophets.
Karl H. von Harten He spoke against all those who give commandments of any kind. There is only ONE authorized to give commandments, and He has done so. Any additional commandments of man, of any kind, are abomination and idolatry, are the error of Satan – desiring to be above God.
Karl H. von Harten An example is given in Luke 4. [For the over-all context, read the string which begins at ]. He spoke in his hometown church in Nazareth. “And all they in the synagogue…were filled with wrath, And rose up…and led him to the brow of the hill…that they might cast him down.” It was the mob, the common sheeple.
Karl H. von Harten The Founders of America recognized that the organized church and the organized state are ENEMIES of the people, and therefore designed a Constitution with checks and balances. They separated church and state, and they limited the powers of the state, by providing rights such as the right to bear arms, so that both church and state would be in perpetuity limited in their ability TO COMMAND.
Karl H. von Harten The Pauline Epistles form the bulk of the Christian New Testament, and they iterate Jesus’ theme to reject all commands. The church was to be a communion of saints, i.e., a community of individuals freely assenting. All hierarchies and organization existed only for the purpose of accomplishing a specific task which had the assent of all participants. The leaders in every hierarchy were to be elected by the participants. The delegation of authority was always temporary, for the purpose of accomplishing one specific task. The objective of hierarchy as a method is to create the synchronicity (also called social credit) which is the physical and metaphysical facilitator of reality creation.
Karl H. von Harten There is no other acceptable purpose for hierarchy or chain-of-command.
Norman Jakob Craven I am amused to note that your last six posts, taken together, are an abbreviation of over 400 pages in the manuscript which you’ve asked us Kangaroo Poets to help you edit. Ergo, here’s my editing contribution: use those six paragraphs instead of the 400 pages.
Peter Andreas von Harten I too have noticed the hatred, and most astonishing is the fact that politicians and the (false) religious right-wing community seem to have banded together to fight trivial issues that thereby allows them to BREACH separation of church and state by turning normal citizens into fearful puppets. This scares me, because I now realize just how influential the United States is on the rest of the world. Other countries for years have not fought with the issue of gay marriage as much until they saw us wrestling with it. The fact that it has become a political issue disgusts me, because it has no place in that field. And nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does there exist anything about preserving the morality of the nation. What I most fear is that in their attempt to do so, many voices are being suppressed and fear is becoming more widespread. The amount of atrocities and hate crimes against homosexuals is on the rise. One woman from the Christian radio show Focus on the Family even said that by expressing himself, a young boy's flamboyant attitude was being oppressive to the heterosexual boy who killed him.
I don't understand where logic and reason went in this country, but I pray it soon returns. Admittedly, I do my best to ignore these facts on most days as I simply want to live my life without the fear that plagues everyone else, but if it comes to it, I will flee this country if I have to.
What I have learned is that voices and opinions are too often silenced in favor of what is believed morally acceptable in this country. I thank God for art, or else nothing could slip through the cracks. I'm reminded of the film "V for Vendetta"...if you ever have the chance, I strongly encourage you to watch it, for as the film states, "artists use lies to tell the truth while politicians use them to cover everything up".
This is a difficult and terrifying battle, and I'll keep praying that things will change. But as long as the religious right's association with politics survives in this country, I fear we are all doomed. And not just us, but the entire world.
Karl H. von Harten I need to clarify the state-church-science [transitive/organization/compulsion & imposition] or king(father)-priest(son)-wizard(ghost) [intransitive/organism/liberation] trinities, which are on earth a shadow of heaven above (as below, so above). We cannot separate state, church and science in the intransitive, i.e., in our BEING, but we must separate them in the transitive, i.e., in our EXPERIENCE. Each of us is in our being (intransitive, spiritual, immortal), from everlasting to everlasting, a King – a sovereign individual, a Free Man on the Dry Land; a Priest – our own mediator between the one and the All, who must perpetually learn the meaning of forgiveness (leaving others alone), beginning with self-forgiveness, and thereby work out our own salvation; and a Wizard, able to create any reality – and in this BEING, the three are inseparable. In our Experience (transitive, temporal, mortal), however, they are separate, longing for each other to be made whole, and we do not act as Kings but live under the slavery of the Law of the Sea; we do not act as Priests, but allow millions of other people to interpose their concepts between our one and the All; and we do not act as Wizards, but are slaves to a reality synchronized in tune to Numbers placed by illuminatists. Contrary to Norm’s comment above, lol, it does take 400 pages to flesh this out!
Robbin Warde ‎@Peter: Another opportunity to regard your sexual orientation as a gift from God -- it sensitizes you to better empathize with all those who are oppressed by the thoughts and actions of others.
Sydney Barak Lynt RE: Karl “millions of other people to interpose their concepts” and Robbin “oppressed by the thoughts..of others” – I recall Karl’s ‘propaganda’ sermon during his brief two month career as a pastor; the Sunday before the Canadian Separate Schools Basketball Championship Game in which he played, [any of the Kangaroos remember the exact date? July, 1970, maybe?]. I was in rabbinical training at the time, and that night we argued all night on who was responsible for fulfilling the terms of covenants made not by us, but on behalf of us by others. One of the points in his sermon had been that less than 5% of our thoughts were our own; the rest were put into us by others as propaganda. He believed that we were nevertheless responsible for calling back those thoughts-not-ours and canceling them. Those that know me may remember that at that time I accepted no scriptures after Abraham. My father (now 90) is Jewish, my mother (now 87) is Muslim; they have been together, maintaining their separate and opposing faiths, for 65 years; they agreed that each would pass their faith on to me, concentrating on the shared doctrines, and avoiding the differences. The issue of debate was: did the covenant God made with Abraham, or the curses placed on Ishmael thousands of years before my birth, have moral application to me? That’s subject for another discussion, but my point here is along the same lines: fear/guilt/shame/hate arising in us from the thoughts of others are NOT our fault unless we assent to adopting those thoughts as our own.
Sydney Barak Lynt The feelings which Peter has experienced as a recipient of ignorance and hatred are ones I’ve known all my life, because as a result of my parent’s marriage, we were hated by Jews and Muslims alike – both parents were rejected by their families and faiths. Karl, you’ve only seen the surface of that iceberg of venom and hatred that you speak of.
Robbin Warde I remember the sermon Syd refers to; indeed I have it on tape from the second time he preached it, in 1978, when he filled in when Brent was away one Sunday. Taped by Wayne. Whole service; congregational singing, special music, etc. A+ for content of the sermon; C- for actual delivery. Major snooze!! (Sorry, Karl, lol).
Karl H. von Harten ‎@Syd & Robbin: You're close on the date. I was ordained and installed as Interim Pastor June 23, 1970 at Salem Baptist Church, Telfordville, Alberta, served 4 weeks, then took time off to attend my sister's wedding in St. Catharines, Ontario and an ex-patriate Varel (my hometown in Germany) reunion in Alice Lake, British Columbia (it also coincided with my father's 48th birthday) then returned for 5 more weeks of service, resigning on my 20th birthday, October 6, 1970 to take a full-time job in the Office of the Premier of Alberta (Harry Strom) as a researcher and speech-writer, which lasted until we were defeated in the April, 1971 election. I was far too young and immature to be a pastor; i.e., to deal with problems such as grief, illness, loneliness; although my home-schooled theological knowledge and homiletical and exegetical abilities exceeded, I was told, those of my examiners at my ordination hearing. My repertoire of sermons is thus nine, two of which Robbin has heard twice. (I'd like a copy of that tape, Robbin; maybe converted to CD?)
Michael Moniz Ecclesiastes 3:15
15That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past.
[Michael then quoted, in full, the entire text available here: I had thought, initially, that it was his own text; the taxi anecdote convinced me of that.  In looking it over later, I realized the writing style wasn’t Mike’s, and googled it to find this link.  About two-thirds of the way through, Mike was interrupted with this exchange:]
Natasha Haesen if we ascribe to love, then nothing should bother us PERIOD. Life is transient. Enjoy the ride and hope for a safe return, if you have to come back, try leaving your frustrations behind. (It will make you lighter, literally, and you will "float higher" Manifest life appears unfair, but appearances are misleading. Trust your faith and your God (or however you see the absolute) always look up and never down. It's hard because we all want physical life to manifest in a more perfect form but we forget it is the physical. To overcome is only through this understanding. We are not looking for perfection in the physical, just the acceptance of the experience and the lifting of .spirit so that we may transcend the physical. :) love is all i know
Michael Moniz Mother and Murder are both numbered 113.
Maternal energy is being attacked.
The daughters of Eve reign today.
LILLITH awaits the return of her children...
Unrighteous parents give birth to unrighteous children. The leaders of our tomorrows now.
The tares have been allowed to grow up alongside the wheat for a time being. You will consider and witness the reward of the wicked. And their rewards are many. Many today suffer a baptism of emotional fire and burn themselves up. These children (adults now) are the fruits of wicked parents and grand parents of yester year.
Michael Moniz Everything that has happened to you and will happen to you has already happed to you. Spirit runs not on linear time. Linear time is physical.
Karl H. von Harten Let it be so.
Karl H. von Harten ‎@Natasha re:"hope for a safe return if you have to come back"...NO -- when they suggest we should return for another life, they'll make it sound SOOO good!, they'll give us a great video/holographic presentation...BUT...say NO...break the cycle...we all have to reject coming back for another life
Natasha Haesen Karl - of course say no, but if you find yourself here again, then remember to let go, so as to not come back. Just sound advice. I'm still a little ticked I accepted this life myself, but I think acceptance is really the only thing that truly frees us, so really, to not want to be here so badly, and to not want to come back is a way of ensuring you will. We all struggle, it isn't easy being human, its harder than anything else out there. BUT we HAVE to accept this existence with an open heart, its the only way. Love is the only path.
[After Mike finished his lengthy quotation, this was the continuation:]
Michael Moniz The only thing that truly frees us is to cancel all 'coven-ants' made by you and for you by someone and/or something else that has done it for you when you were not aware. If you have voted for some political party in the past for example and they have turned out to be evil then you are responsible for their evil actions because you voted them in. You made a contract with them by voting them in. You may not agree with them afterwards but your vote was a covenant and contract. Things like this must be cleared out of your soul.
Natasha Haesen I'd like to say I agree, but I certainly do not! Stop using your reason to bind you. There is no such thing as good and evil. The realm of duality, in which we live, is only an appearance, to create the illusion of separateness. In order to ascend, the only thing we have to do is accept the whole and completeness of our being, not view it as a separate thing that needs to be purged. You are binding in concept. "The David of the Light slays the Goliath of the Dark and seats the savior, LOVE upon the throne." - We are Christ conscious beings; it only takes our realization of this for it to be so.
Michael Moniz The opposite or polarity of evil is knowledge on the same plane. Therefore all evil is spawned by ignorance or lack of knowledge.  Hosea 4:6: 'oh Israel how my people perish for lack of knowledge'. Their ignorance was killing them and making them ill. God forgives us of our sins committed out of ignorance because we simply did not know any better. But sin committed out of rebellion is not forgiven. Rebellious sin is knowledgeable sin in action. You know better but yet you continued to sin any ways. So suffer the consequences of your actions. In this suffering state you will have a choice to be made and that is to change direction or continue to rebel at your own peril. Blame not God but yourselves for your own stubbornness.
When bad things happen to you and the world we blame God? Strange how Satan never gets blamed?
They marked you before you were born and out you came with a marker called a name. In the name are letters with numbers attached.
Along the way they attached more numbers onto you. Your birth certificate has a number. Your SIN card is a number. Your Library card is a number. Your bank card is a number. Your driver's licence is a number. Your IP address is a number. Your birth day and year of birth is a number...etc
All these numbers are vibrationally charged with your consciousness. They will influence and direct your day to day activities and your fate.
The number of your parking spot and accommodations will activate a vibrational response.
If we do not cancel and take control of our numbers and covenants they will continue to activate your destiny and make you think it was all your choice. Cancel all of your covenants to anything and any living person that you have made and watch in a few short weeks how your life will begin to change. Affirm this cleansing and it is done. Affirm this everyday until you see change.
Black magic is focused thought wave intention and there are many sorcerers around these days but few are adepts. Many of them are wreaking havoc in our lives. One way to know that you are being spelled against is to notice a series of 'bad luck' occurrences in your life which are out of the ordinary. Evil can only harm that which was evil to begin with.  We are not born human beings. You must learn to become a HU-MAN BEING.
Natasha Haesen I'm sorry for your cynicism. There is nothing wrong with being human. It is hard, but there is nothing wrong with it. Life is transient. There is no good and evil only the perception of such. When you ascribe to belief in concepts, that is what you call sin. The self is the true recognition of its entirety in all manifestations. God is not absent from anything, what you call the devil, is also "God" -reality is absolute and there is no separateness. The only sin that exists is a sin against the self which is the stubborn condition of man to see himself as separate. All of the elements on the physical plane are meant to test us, especially the exposure the degradation of the will here. but NOTHING can touch you, unless you let it (as you said), but even then it is only the APPEARANCE of being is a tool to try and convince you evil exists so you can juxtapose it against good and see a dual reality, but this is a veil. THAT is the LIE. when you are convinced of this separateness you are practicing the only 'evil' there is, which is to deny the wholeness of the self and ALL. I agree to let go of all worldly 'covenants' in a way we are saying the same thing, but you are holding FAR too tightly on what you consider to be knowledge. I believe this to be what binds you. Jesus was not the only way. But again, he taught LOVE.. LOVE of everything. So even if this world of duality were to be anything more than just a dream state, then it would still be wrong to be cynical in essence. LOVE. remember this and only this. I say nothing to be concrete except that love is only way, and Christ consciousness is as quoted above, the seating of the 'saviour' which is love, upon the throne (the crown chakra). There is so much knowledge here, but very little wisdom. Exercise wisdom, and practice sending out your own vibrational love. That is our only duty.
Michael Moniz You misunderstand my concept of becoming a HU-MAN.  It’s not hard being human. it's easy. Life is easy. There is good and there is evil. Jeshua spoke of evil all the time. The devil is not God. He was thrown out of heaven along with a third of heaven's angels for thinking he could be equal to God. There is war in heaven as we speak. What is above is so too below. The heavens show evidence of great wars that have occurred. Look at all the dead broken planets orbiting our sun. Mars comes to mind first. Asteroid belt secondly. It is written in the Bible "I the lord create both good and evil".  What we consider evil maybe a good thing to us down the road. But this takes a perspective to see beyond the evil act or condition before us. To us Hitler was an 'evil man' but to Hitler himself he believed he was Germany's ultimate good. He thought he was doing his people a great service to all the dis-service the German people had sustained since their loss of WW1. He put food back on the table for them and they loved him for it.
Love is not seated on the crown chakra. Love will be seated in the New Jerusalem which is your heart chakra. Once your DNA sequence has been repaired and there are 12 helixes to be re-joined then all mysteries fall away. If you are witnessing certain numbers appearing in your life for example 11:11 on your clocks or 5:55,333. These are DNA signals for conscious awakenings. Pay very close attention to these numbers that appear in your life.
There are two things we all have to learn before we check out as it were. First is unconditional love. Secondly is unconditional forgiveness. Both are bitter pills to swallow. Pearls of great price. Oh yes we can forgive. We hear it out of people's mouth's but then they say 'but I will never forget what they did' with a feeling of revenge. Trapped by offence in the heart we burn through this baptism of lonely desperate fire. For years perhaps even a life time. And not a single stone will be left unturned.

How to Forgive lesson #1.
1. First forgive yourself and then forgive the other.
2. Confess the truth no matter how ugly it may be to each other.
3. Repent for your wrong doing in a very sincere manner to each other.

This is to be done by both sides mutually. Then and only then can the road to reconciliation be at hand. If this is not done with both parties then life will enact and stage out for you circumstances and people that will play out the scenario for you to correct yourself over and over again. Like a song repeating itself on your player until you get it right. You will see your life in repetition mode as it were.
Michael Moniz i am not bound I am free.
Natasha Haesen I'm not Christian. I do not believe in the bible as if it were telling 'real' stories. It is all symbolical.... let go. Blind attachment to these concepts is absurd. There is only war in our hearts. That is what the story teaches. Life is transient. We do not live once then die and go either to heaven or hell. Heaven is release from separateness. Hell is here on earth. When we die and have not let go, we go to 'hell' which is to reincarnate here on earth. This is the cycle of death and rebirth the Hindus call samsara, and the illusion in front of us is maya. We have VERY different beliefs. Yours teach you to be 'good', but I assure you, this will not 'save' your soul in and of itself. When you rise above the teachings of the bible and are able to recognize, not just the bible, but all things that are true, you will see. Whilst you hold so on so tightly to only one interpretation, it is to the exclusion of all others. Truth exists in all things symbolically to teach all of us from every corner of the earth. God did not just give the Christian one truth through Jesus the Christ, but many. There have been many Christ's and many prophets. Par ex. Krishna. the very word means Christ. ...So I say to you again, concepts cannot be held onto so tightly because they render us ignorant. Remember that the only reality is love. If you truly wish to open your heart I may suggest to you to leave your comfort zone and start looking for the truth in other areas and teachings. You'll find this practice, if you let, to be very rewarding as you begin to see repetition in all things. It can also help to show you the truer meanings of your own faith. I am glad for your love of god but am sorry for your attachment to the concepts surrounding the written bible. The only war is in the hearts of man, and you are letting the 'devil' win by considering these fanciful thoughts. If we slay ourselves, in a sense, we slay concepts. We are trying to let go of EVERYTHING. If you are a true disciple, open your heart to the other teachings, allow yourself to become full with truth of all kinds. The biggest picture is hidden, piece by piece, in all the faiths of this world. Most non-Christians chastise the Christian community for being too close-minded and sticking far too literally to their bible. (This is true of all world religions, which is why I myself would never hold on to one more tightly then the next) we just fight each other over instead of recognizing our brethren. I do not discount the enormity of truth that is woven in the bible.
Michael Moniz The word 'RELIGION' is Latin it means 'TO CONNECT'. To connect to what? To God. When people say 'oh i'm spiritual but I don't believe in religion' it makes me puzzled. Do they realize what they are saying?
I have a religion. I believe in religion. That is to say a 'connectedness to God'. There is corrupted organized religion as much as there is corrupted organized spiritualism.  The Bible relates real stories and real histories and real people. There were over 300 prophecies that were written hundreds of years before the birth of the 'messiah' and all came true about the messiah and what he would do. The rest of the prophecies have yet to be fulfilled.
The Holy Bible was not written by man but by God. This was scientifically proven years ago using sophisticated super-computers. I will post an article to prove this next. The number sequences discovered letter by letter could not have been done by mortal hands. There is no other spiritual text in the world from any other religion that we know of that does this.  The Holy Bible is an embedded holographic numerological and astrological matrix coded in letter sequences undeniably. It is showing the past, present and future all at once.
Ecclesiastes 3:15
That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past.
You write:  "Yours teach you to be 'good', but I assure you, this will not 'save' your soul in and of itself. When you rise above the teachings of the bible"   Was it not said by Jesus in the New Testament Bible "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God."John3:3  "Do not deceive yourselves. If any one of you thinks he is wise by the standards of this age, he should become a 'fool' so that he may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's sight. As it is written: "He catches the wise in their craftiness"; and again, "The Lord knows that the thoughts of the wise are futile." (1 Corinthians 18-20)
We Christians know that being good and going to church and all that does not mean we will go to heaven. We know that there must occur a spiritual re-birth. We know we were physically born but we must be spiritually re-born or 'born again' to see the kingdom of god.  The kingdom of God is spread out evenly across the earth but men refuse to see it. The last shall be first and first shall be last.  There have been many prophets but only one Jeshua of Nazareth.  There are many Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims and Jews who chastise their brethren for being too picky as well. The way to life is a straight and narrow path. The road to death is wide and crooked.
Michael Moniz @ Natasha Haesen, I wish to send you an article I mentioned in my last post concerning 'computer proof that God did indeed write the 66 books of the Holy Bible. I need your email address. I tried publishing this article here several times but strangely FaceBook does not allow it to go through on this post???
Natasha Haesen I am merely enjoying the differences in philosophical debate. I respect everything you are saying very much. People use different words to say the same thing. I say I do not ascribe to a religion, not because I do not connect with God, but because I know of the human element to all religions and the misinterpretation of their doctrines. I also find that opening myself to the many teachings of adepts to be particularly enlightening.
Where my concern lies in particular is in the belief of duality. I find this to be concerning because it undermines the wholeness of reality. which is not to say that as humans don't act good or bad, they do of course, and yes it does have a direct impact on their evolution and others. However, that is only on this plane, and it is not 'real' and understanding this non-existence of these physical dualities is essential when undergoing a re-birth, or slaying of the ego. The ego lives in duality, the spirit does not. Therefore I strongly assert that heaven and hell only exist as concepts that are played out in the physical plane.
I do not suggest in any way that I have wisdom, the very fact of debating undermines what it means to have wisdom. The golden precept is silence. I am only an interested young girl looking to chat with men and women beyond my years who can offer different interpretations, but I cannot help but debate. so I am sorry if i seem pretentious, but to clarify myself, I am a disciple, not a teacher. A learner, not a knower.
Michael Moniz Hope you read my articles I have sent to you about the 66 Books of the Holy Bible and the article about EGO.  Ego is not something to be destroyed but integrated as part of our whole personalities. Ego was created by God in you to see separation into order to view the wisdom of that which is whole. Ocean and wave are two separate things but they are part of each other's same thing. A wave can never be separate from the ocean or else it would and could never exist as a wave without the ocean. Ocean and waves are two separate words describing a characteristic of the same thing. Humans are no different. God created man in his own image and 'likeness' therefore we are a part of God and 'God' at the same time. Lucifer made the error that he thought he was just a wave. He was never just a wave. He was part of the whole ocean that which is God expressed as a single this case Lucifer. People then think that since two words are describing something of the whole then they get the wrong idea that there is separation from the whole. The word 'separation' in this case is being used incorrectly and should be replaced with the word ‘DISTINCTION’. There is a distinction being described in the 'whole of the thing’. The words ocean and wave in my example.  But one may ask 'what causes the wave in the ocean? Is it the earth rotating on it's axis that causes the waters to move? or is it the wind that causes the water to create waves? The answer never stops. Indeed the wind causes the waters to form waves and the earth rotating against the wind. So the ocean, waves, wind and earth are all part of the same thing or whole but being described distinctively not separately.  Going further we can also see that the wind is caused by air moving which is caused by heat and cold being produced which acts upon the ocean to make a wave.  Where does the heat and cold come from?  The earth creates its own heat and cold forces which act directly on the air causing wind.
'Verily I say to you there is no light or heat of this earth which comes from the sun to the earth'  For the heat of the world is of the world and within the world. The sun being the force that pulls the heat out of the earth's core into the atmosphere only so high.  The light of the world is of the world and within the world. For the sun's radiation excites the light out of the atmosphere making it glow.  So now were into space and the planets and sun. The sun and it's solar system are a part of a whole galaxy and our galaxy is a part of the Universe. Is the Universe a part of anything? No it is the whole or the 'ALL' that there is in all of its infinite dimensions.  Infinity is the whole. Definity is a description of it's parts....galaxies, solar systems, planets, light, heat, forces, wind, wave and ocean.
All are one and All is one. But who or what created the whole? All created the whole and whole creates all.
GOD IS 'IS'  God is first cause thought. Therefore the wave is really just a thought that God has.

1 comment:

  1. The word UNIVERSE means-
    VERSE or the annogram of it is SERVE

    MORMON means-
    Flip the letter 'M' upside down to get a 'W' and we get WORM ON.
    The worm is genetic DNA which comes from sperm which looks like tiny little worms under a microscope.
    So the 'WORM(DNA information)is now turned 'ON' in the Human gentic code to create a new human for diabolical possession by enties not of this realm.
    The book of GENESIS really means the 'ISIS GENE'.
    What is the ISIS GENE?
    Gene 17 most likely on the genome marker.
    Spiritual mother of the one you call 'JESUS CHRIST' is Lilith...Adam's first wife.Able was pure human, Cain was not.Able was slain out of jelousy by his half brother Cain who has run amuck on this earth.Many people are contaminated with cainitic DNA which dis-allows them to open their consciousness to see beyond their eyes.It is not their fault.This is why Jeshua of Nazareth was known as the redeemer.The atonement for sin is blood unless it is forgiven,confessed and repented it will revisit into your lives.
