Tuesday 30 April 2013


RUI MIGUEL MONIZ (Michael Moniz) 11/9/65 to 11/4/13 [Part 1]


[GENERAL NOTE:  I have to begin somewhere, so this will be the first in what may become a very long series recording, commenting on and interpreting Michael’s research.  This consists of the memories in the minds of his friends, and 1,613 saved emails (many with extensive attachments) which will, when printed, amount to at least 30,000 pages and 2,000 images.  I want to be able to easily cross-reference the material, so each paragraph and image here will have a unique 4-alpha code for handy identification.]




[MMAA] One memory immediately leads to another memory.  Everything is connected to everything else in the matrix.  In this first essay, I will start “thinking out loud” from one specific memory and just see where it takes us.



[MMAB] In the evening after Michael’s funeral, friends were invited to share their memories at his favourite café.  One of Don Low’s memories:  Both Don and Mike were driving taxi.  Don was driving a car with a blown dashboard fuse.  He pulled up beside Mike to ask him what time it was.  Mike’s response was to perfectly mimic a cuckoo clock, eleven times, whereby Don understood that it was 11 o’clock.

Some observations and memories:



[IKIK] I noticed, as we’ve shared our memories during the past week, that if a number was mentioned in the anecdote, it was usually nine or eleven.  These were significant numbers throughout Mike’s life, beginning with his birth on September 11th.  Cathy, during the same conversation, pointed out that the date of his funeral (26/4/2013) also added up to nine.  Numbers, in and of themselves, are neutral until combined with intention.  Thus both Christ and Satan are represented by 911.  [Jesus was born on September 11th, 5 b.c. and died on March 28th, 28 a.d.  It was September 11th that was celebrated as Jesus’ birthday in the early Christian church until 321 a.d. when the Edict of Constantine created an evil-twin Christianity and forced it to merge with the previous official religion, the Church of Jupiter.  The Jovian dates were adopted into the Christian calendar, including Jupiter’s birthday Dec. 25th becoming the celebration of Jesus’ birthday.]  Numbers were very important in Michael’s life as an interpretive tool to better

understand the matrix, particularly after late fall of 2007 when he obtained the Felix Tool to calculate Jesus Christ Numerology.



[MMAC] Don’s anecdote reminds me of Mike’s abilities to mimic and impersonate other people’s voices.  Over the years, he developed about a dozen of his own characters, of which my two personal favourites were ‘Korean Pimp’ and ‘Enraged Indian’ [Michael was not politically correct].  He also did quite a few characters from old movies, particularly Westerns, and did a very good John Wayne.



[MMAD] In the late 1990s, Mike and I began to frequently browse through thrift shops looking for interesting items.  In March of 2005, when we both became eBay sellers, it became a regular monthly activity, and we would spend an entire day at it.  I was looking mainly at books; Mike looked at everything except books.  It was around 1999 that Mike first bought a broken cuckoo clock, solely to take apart to study the mechanism.



[MMAE] Mike was a true Renaissance person:  he had a very broad range of interests and abilities, and a passion for knowledge.  The parameters of this were governed by his interpretation of three scriptures:  a) Hosea’s cry that God’s people perish everlastingly because they hate knowledge; b) the admonition to Timothy to study to show himself approved towards God, a worker who needs not to be ashamed of his quest, correctly interpreting the words towards truth; and c) the necessity to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.  To Michael, this meant he had a duty to find the truth (not opinion) or essence of everything; that this truth or essence must in some way further spiritual ascension; and that all acquired knowledge must be applied in a practical way in his life.  The dismantling of the cuckoo clock taught him things about musical instruments, frequencies, and the pendulum.



[MMAF] Mike always had a project on the go.  He was always searching for things other people thought impossible, such as finding the philosopher’s stone (he thought, twice, that he had succeeded) or building a perpetual motion machine.  He built a device with spinning magnets which kept going under its own steam for 10 months.  He was inspired to pursue the unorthodox by some of his heroes who always thought outside the box:  Nikola Tesla, James Churchward, Viktor Schauberger.  The latter, realizing that “fish do not swim, they are swum” applied that knowledge to make logs swim upstream for the Austrian government, and to build flying saucers for the German government.  Mike’s

study of the pendulum, derived from the cuckoo clock, led him to construct a perpetual motion device for one of his marine aquariums.  Mike was a marine aquarist for about a decade; moving on to other hobbies when he felt that he had exhausted the possibilities of learning more.  His treatise on improving the plenum was published in Australia in 2004.  The perpetual motion device which he built using a pendulum as the motive force for gears operating a pump kept going on its own for 3 years.  The marine aquarist tries to duplicate, as far as possible, the natural habitat of his fish.  In the wild, fish are periodically subjected to water turbulence from wave motion and other factors.  Mike designed a system where the pendulum-operated pump gradually filled a one gallon tank outside the aquarium.  When the tank was full, a float (as in a toilet tank) would lift a plunger, releasing the water suddenly into the aquarium to create wave turbulence.  A waterwheel below the plunger would spin rapidly for a moment as the water emptied into the aquarium, and through gears and levers would re-accelerate the pendulum.  A successful perpetual motion device.



[MMAG] I did my high school in the Business & Commerce branch rather than Arts & Science, so I have a bookkeeping background which I’ve used every spring since 1969 to do tax returns for my friends.  I’ve done Michael’s tax returns since 1994.  So I can attest to his golden year, 2006 (his first full year as an art vendor) when his income exceeded the combined income of the previous three and the following six years.  Michael appreciated all forms of beauty, ranging from natural wonders to precision engineering.  He tried to surround himself with things of beauty.  So in the fall of 2006, when he could for the first time afford it, he purchased a number of expensive beautiful objects, including a marine Rolex watch, and an antique hand-carved Swiss-made cuckoo clock.  It was a prized possession.  After the attack article which appeared in the Globe & Mail in February, 2007, destroyed his business, his financial affairs went rapidly downhill.  Although he did eventually win his lawsuit against CTV-Globe Media, by January, 2010 he was destitute, desolate, divorced and depressed, and with great regret was compelled to sell all assets.  The cuckoo clock was the first item to go on the eBay auction block.  (He bought a cheap plastic replica so that he would still hear the familiar sound).



[MMAH] So we have six areas of memory of Michael in a few paragraphs.  These thoughts took less than a minute to bounce from one to the other in the subconscious mind.  The subconscious mind is 40,000 times more powerful than the conscious mind, so conscious examination of the thoughts took over three hours to type out.  More on all of this in the next post.  Please post your own thoughts and memories on Michael’s Facebook memorial page.

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