Wednesday 7 March 2012


[]…Every poet is a prophet; every prophet uses poetry.  The Kangaroo Poets, formed in 1970, are a cordon of prophets for the new age.  Most of them are reincarnations of poets or prophets from earlier in history, come back to repeat the core of their previous messages.  The Word of God is time-less and space-less – applicable to all times and all places.  Thus each generation draws a different perspective from the same prophecies, and every individual draws a different perspective from the same poetry.  Each of the original Kangaroo Poets keeps a journal, and from time to time we excerpt some of those pages in Nebiru This Week.
From K’lakokum’s journal:  February 14th, 2006
[]…Today we have the former Premier of Ontario, Mike Harris, going on trial in the court of public opinion for his indiscretionary use of the word "f__king" in a moment of frustration.  Happy Valentines Day!  Mr.Harris has run into the administrative nightmare caused essentially by a clash between the spiritual and the material.  Western society is increasingly materialistic -- concerned with property rights.  The Native North American culture which the Western has supplanted had an entirely different foundation:  it was spiritual.  In taking over the continent, Europeans made treaties with the Indians which were interpreted quite differently by the parties to the contracts.  The aboriginals had a concept found amongst most so-called primitive peoples: the concept of tenant-for-life forming the foundation for the individual's relationship between himself and  Mother Earth.  [cf. my mention of the lady in the mud hut a few days ago.] 
[]…The same concept is a foundation implicit in the Hebrew concept of redemption, is found in Essenic literature, and more recently, is found in Social Credit literature.  It is held by the Frisian-rite masons.  It formed part of the background to British common law's concepts of The King's
High Way
, The Village Green, The Market Square, The Manor House, and The Parish [the five projections] until The Great Perversion began with William of Orange in 1684.  Ironically, it was refugees from that perversion who transferred it to this continent.  In the spiritual and cultural clash with the aboriginals, we tried to compromise by creating a materialistic version of the spiritual concepts held by the aboriginals.  [All of these issues have been dealt with previously by the Kangaroo Poets in the pages of South of Tuk, particularly through contributions by Andrea Riel-Lean, who is a Registered Indian.] 
[]…It would be instructive to remember how the modern concept of ownership [vs. the prior concept of tenancy] began.  King Francis of France, walking through the streets of Paris, got tired of stepping in human excrement which was being flung into the streets from upper-story windows of indoor privys.  This was a normal part of Middle Ages routine -- there are humourous references to it in both Ben Jonson and Shakespeare [as a matter of fact, cited as evidence that Jonson really was Shakespeare].  King Francis, annoyed, decreed that henceforth the citizens of Paris owned their own shit, and were responsible for disposing of it in a less offensive manner.  THAT was the beginning of modern property rights, and the beginning of the Admiralty Law replacing Freeman Law.  We remember it in our every day speech when we describe our possessions as my shit.  []…Certain thoughts are prohibited in our society, and this is the real issue upon which Mr. Harris will be examined today.  There is a related disturbance in western Canada -- I will tie the two together:  one of the leading spokespeople for Islam in Canada -- a man who in the past has publicly stated that it is OK for any Muslim to kill any Jew over the age of 18 -- is protesting a western newspaper's publication of purportedly anti-Muslim cartoons which are causing riots in other parts of the world.  The spokesman for Islam is stating that this is hate literature.  Hate literature, in terms of Canadian law, is any publication of prohibited thoughts; such thoughts are only vaguely defined in the legislation.  Every special interest group, therefore, can -- and does -- interpret this as prohibiting any contrary thought.  The only victim of this legislation who has fought it all the way to the Supreme Court, Ernst Zundel, was acquitted by the highest court after several lower court convictions, because of the vagueness of this legislation. [It is only in the USA and Germany -- both of which have less free speech than Canada -- where a conviction might be made to stick.]  The western Canadian newspaper's defence in this other case is that the offensive cartoons are a news item [because of the riots they've caused], and the readers should be able to judge for themselves.  Anti-Semitic and anti-aboriginal thoughts have a long and related history. 
[]…The concept of mobile citizenship has a Roman, a Christian, and a Jewish background.  St. Paul, speaking for the Christians, [Hebrews 11&12; Philippians 3] indicates that a Christian's citizenship and allegiance is not tied to an earthly geography.  In the sixth century B.C.E., this was an issue in Judaism, and Jeremiah and Habakkuk stole the Ark of the Covenant as a symbolic gesture opposing the concept that worship was to be tied to geography; i.e., the temple in Jerusalem specifically.  Jeremiah stated that the covenant between the material and the spiritual would henceforth be written in the hearts of individuals.  [This concept, clearly stated, should not be confused with both Jeremiah and Habakkuk's advocacy of the centralization of administration --cf. C.H. Douglas on philosophy--policy--administration.  Those parts of Deuteronomy which were written by Jeremiah, in particular, are easily misinterpreted.  Refer to Natt Morris on bridge-building.]
[]…Paul was himself a benefactor of Roman citizenship, which held that a citizen had the right to appeal to the emperor, the representation of divinity, just as aboriginal jurisprudence gave final appeal to Manitou, the primary personification of divinity.  In other words, the laws of Rome were held to be effective throughout the world, giving the citizen both protections and obligations even when outside of Roman geography. What we tried to do in Canada was to enshrine in our law the concept of portable/mobile/nomadic citizenship for the aboriginals.  They could not be Canadians -- not allowed protection nor to vote nor to have other civil rights; at the same time exempt from Canadian obligations to pay taxes; exempt from Canadian hunting and fishing regulations -- aboriginals were to be citizens of their own nation, subject to their own laws providing both protections and obligations, in the same geography to which we attributed Canadian citizenship.  Two separate nations in the bosom of the same geography.  This has been complicated in our history in that the French and the English were also to be regarded as separate groups in the bosom of the same coast-to-coast geography.  We did limit this shared geography to the borders of Canada, but in the Roman version, Rome claimed the entire planet, and in the 27 centuries of Diaspora, Judaism claimed the entire planet, therefore persecuted in every geography.  Nowadays, America claims the entire planet.  All of these claims are, however, materialistic claims -- the point of Jeremiah has been missed: the concept of ONE is spiritual, not geographic.  This is the morass of fundamental confusion wherein Mike Harris sinks today.

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