Friday 2 March 2012


On Thursday I posted a link on my Facebook page which elicited a comment string from my good friend Wendy, who made it quite clear that she wanted to know.  I had rambled on with a string of somewhat disconnected comments, and I thought I should give a great deal of more detail on the subjects raised.  Not just to let Wendy, and others, know more, but also to clarify and organize my own thoughts and experiences.  So for the context, first please watch the video and read the commentary on my Facebook wall and then return here.

What I want to talk about connects everything with everything, and has something to do with every human being on the planet, so there will be many tangents off to various pieces of the puzzle, and a good deal of jumping around in a 12,000 year time period during which these things have developed.  I will rely on the readers being of sufficient intelligence to put the pieces together themselves to get their own complete pictures.  I will refer to different time periods:  The Free World Order, prior to 448 ad, and hopefully reborn in 2012; the Old World Order, 448 to 1840 ad; the Victory of Satan Epoch, 1840 to 1980; the New World Order, from 1980 to date.  The dates are somewhat arbitrary, as I’ll comment later.

I’ve spent all day Friday, while working, thinking about where to start, and organizing my thoughts.  The video cited has a brief clip showing a number on the back of a birth certificate, with a comment made that the number is an account number for some kind of trust account.  Let’s begin there.

When your parents accept a birth certificate on your behalf, they are entering into a covenant/contract with the Admiralty.  The first term of that covenant is that the Admiralty declares the real you to be dead, and creates an evil, imaginary twin of the real you [yes, there is an factual historic background to all those stories you’ve heard about evil twins].  The evil twin is represented in the books of the Admiralty by the number on the birth certificate.  Your cause of death is deemed to be death by drowning in the Sea, and all of your possessions sank with you.  Your possessions are now subject to the Admiralty’s Law of Salvage:  finders keepers, losers weepers, terms and conditions apply.  Any perishable item which you salvage from the Sea, such as a fish or a cabbage, is immediately yours.  Any non-perishable item must be kept and maintained by you (you must try to prevent a wooden item from rotting, or a metal item from rusting, etc.) for a period of seven years during which you must use due diligence to find the rightful owner.  Due diligence means that you must report the salvage to the Admiralty at the nearest Port (if you have salvaged from Sea to Dry Land) or the first Port you enter (if you have salvaged from Sea to Sea, i.e., from the ocean onto a ship).  Originally, Port meant seaport, but since 1684 Port means the central bank of the country of which you are a citizen (the Bank of England became the first central bank in 1684).  [If you are a Sovereign, you don’t report to the Admiralty; you post a salvage notice in writing at the church in the parish in which you reside.  This has nothing to do with religion – much more on that later #1.]  All banks are offices of the Admiralty [more on that later #2].  If your salvage is not claimed during the seven years, it is yours to keep.

You might argue that a new-born infant doesn’t have any possessions.  But you do:  at birth you are entitled to receive a cultural inheritance, which I’ll call ‘the collective memory’.  It is your fair share of all practical knowledge.  You receive this inheritance on your Day of Bleeding (girls) or your Day of Seed (boys) [more on that later #3] which is also the day you become a Free World Order voter, the day you renounce the name your parents gave you and choose your own [motl #4], the day you become an adult, the first day you are entitled to publicly make a marriage proposal, and the day you formally renounce all covenants entered into on your behalf by parents and godparents, and the day you begin to make your own free choices, one at a time.  A very important Day [more on that later #5].  Money is a physical representation of an ephemeral value [motl #6]; ephemeral values can be monetized.  The current value of each infant’s inheritance is over $300,000.  That is the possession which sank with you when you drowned in the Sea and is now available for salvage.  The birth certificate indicates that the Admiralty has salvaged your inheritance and deposited it in trust for seven years in your evil twin’s account, the number of which they give to you.  The birth certificate is your receipt.  Since less than one person in 100 million ever files a claim during the seven years, the Admiralty takes possession at the end of the waiting period.

We live under two systems of law:  the Common Law and the Law of the Sea.  The Common Law consists of fourteen concepts – the Five Projections of Fryslan Democracy, and the Nine Sentences of the four Abrahamic religions.  The Common Law is the only law which applies to Sovereigns, also called Sons/Daughters of God.  This means people who are fully alive; they are in direct contact with Nature/the Universe/God, with no intermediaries whatsoever:  each Sovereign is his/her own King (state), Priest (church) and Wizard (science).  These fourteen concepts have been imbedded in Christian culture, from whence everybody living in a Christian culture absorbs them into their subconscious.  Organized religion is more than 99% bull shit around less than 1% of fundamental truth.  It is historical fact that the Christian religion has for centuries been the repository of knowledge, most of it hidden in ritual.  In any given parish, three or four generations might pass before that one individual comes along who can extract the knowledge.  That is the designed purpose of ritual – the sheeple love it, so it is preserved from generation to generation and occasionally one person can extract the pearl.  The Christian religion today bears very little resemblance to what was demonstrated by Jesus, Son of God.  The religion as it exists today was formally defined in 321 ad, when Christianity (the evil twin Christianity) became the Official Religion of the Roman Empire [motl #7].

The Law of the Sea has millions of laws, statutes, rules and regulations designed by man, and not in harmony with Nature/the Universe/God.  In Canada, in the provinces which are least free (Ontario and B.C.) there are over six million rules.  Even in the provinces which are most free (Alberta and Quebec) there are over four million rules.  The Law of the Sea applies to Sons/Daughters of Man who have a contract with the Admiralty.  The Admiralty is in charge throughout the world today, and there are very few Sovereigns  -- those who don’t accept the jurisdiction of the Admiralty; those who haven’t accepted the contract.

When you visit a court room in Canada today, you will find a line painted on the floor between the spectators and the judge; or it is a physical half-height wall with a gate.  That line or wall is called ‘the bar’.  It separates the land from the sea.  When you step over ‘the bar’, you symbolize that you are leaving the Common Law jurisdiction and entering the Law of the Sea jurisdiction.  ‘The bar’ is an abbreviation of ‘sandbar’, something that you frequently cross as you wade from the shore (land) to the sea.  The reptiles which operate the Admiralty want to remind you they aren’t of this earth (land)[motl #8].

I thought I’d get more posted today, but it is bedtime.  I’m working long shifts Sat/Sun/Mon, recovering on Tuesday; next post may not be till Wed/Thurs.  Friday, I leave for two weeks to New York City; Greensboro, NC; Allentown, PA; Boston (in that order); taking my laptop; next post might be from my hotel room.


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