Monday 11 April 2011


Dear Todd;

The Universe leads me to now respond to your comment of a month ago: ”you might be able to get $5 for a used tennis ball from some poor ignorant soul”.  You have made, unconsciously, an astute choice of words.  When Jesus said “Let the dead bury the dead”, he did not mean people who were dead in the flesh; he meant people who were dead in their soul.  And you have chosen the word “soul”.  Yes, I have indeed sold a used golf ball, unwashed, for $US 13.00, and received gratitude and positive feedback for it.  I have sold a used Watchtower magazine, normally available pristine for a nickel on the corner from your local Witness,  creased and with caricatures scribbled over the illustrations, the rear page torn – for $US 4.38.  The bidders received what they wanted and needed at a price they chose to pay.  They could have chosen a lower price by bidding lower or seeking further.  One man’s garbage becomes another man’s treasure.  Do not impose either your treasure or your garbage on others.  You are sitting in judgement here, and that is not your place – let God be the judge.  But how do we reconcile the two biblical pronouncements:  “Judge not”; “Be a just judge” ?  We are to judge ourselves judiciously, tenaciously, consistently, firmly, honestly – and others not at all.  You can be niggardly on behalf of yourself [and certainly are, as shown by your eBay feedback and your correspondence with me], but not on behalf of others.  Do not justify your niggardliness by pretending to appeal on behalf of the interests of others, for it is your soul which is poor and ignorant – which is why God has led you to my abundance.

Your statement is, in any event, a false appeal.  The Impersonal Life is available for 33 cents in my eBay store, to those who search the store and discover the key – the code in every listing – which gives a second price for each item.  The code “-0”, published in this listing, indicates a price of 33 cents.  You have not read any of the pages available in the upper tool bar of each listing.

Which brings us to our first lesson.   This is a lesson that you have heard before, 1,981 years ago when we last met in person in prior lifetimes, and at the conclusion of which I heard Jesus tell you: “Sell all that you have, and give to the poor”.  For you, it is now three lifetimes later, and you have chosen to incarnate for another attempt at learning and feeling the uncomprehended and unexperienced lesson which will change your soul from scarcity to abundance of life.  Your eBay name guru indicates a boast of abundant wisdom – but you are no guru.  I, on the other hand, am living my third lifetime in which I could make such a claim; but the first thing I learned when I became a master 27 centuries ago was that I am not a master; God within is the only guru.  And this is part of the substance of An Impersonal Life, of which God has led you to acquire two dozen copies (so you boast), in the hope that you would pick up one of them, and find what you are so actively seeking.  You have been persistent; you have e-mailed me at least seven times; listen now to God’s response to your persistence.

I normally receive $8,000 in advance for this series of 85 lessons, because “the labourer is worthy of his hire”.  By the time we conclude the series, you will become convinced of its value and will with eagerness and gratitude send me far more than $8,000.

We will need a physical yardstick of some kind to measure your progress through this series of lessons.  Most lessons will come with some sort of task which is physically uncomfortable or deliberately humiliating, for, as I wrote almost 20 centuries ago in one of my works which made it into the canon:  “without chastisement you are bastards and not sons”.  So, in the next 85 days, you will lose one pound per day, and your success in that physical objective will be our measurement of your spiritual progress.  You shall not make any changes in your diet, your exercise program, or in any of your other habits; you will attain the objective using spiritual forces only.  Today you will state twenty-five times, out loud: “In 85 days I AM 85 pounds less”.  Tomorrow you will state twenty-five times, out loud: “In 84 days I AM 84 pounds less”.  And so on.  You will take no other physical measures of any kind to attain the objective.  This exercise will teach you how the flesh is to be governed by the spirit; how it is not to be mortified, i.e.; made dead, but rather to be enlivened to everlasting life. 

In addition to the physical objective of weight loss, we will have an emotional objective, and that is to feel how to be a winner without defeating others; how to play purely to win rather than playing deadly to defeat others; how to live with neither imposing personality on others nor accepting imposition of personality from others.

Once the physical and emotional lessons are learned, the mental lessons are a snap and the spiritual lessons are virtually automatic.

The purpose of these 85 lessons is not to change you or to convert you to any philosophy or religion; the purpose is to assist you to restore your self.  To be who you really are.  To be in harmony with yourself and the Universe.  I am not seeking your approval;  I am not desirous of creating disciples.  You have been seeking Truth; I have been instructed to give you what you seek.  There are many who seek Truth, but there are few who find it, because most are easily dissuaded from the constant diligence required to maintain an intention.  In every generation of humanity, there have been only a few individuals fully acquainted with Truth, and they have withheld it from the masses because, to paraphrase Jesus: “one ought not to cast pearls before swine”.  You receive only what you ask for, and most people do not know the proper questions.  But you have been chosen to receive this pearl!!!  When the ears of the student are ready to open, the mouth will come to fill them with wisdom.  So, in each generation, a few have passed to a few of the next generation, from mouth to ear, the keys to Truth.  These are the keys which unlock the doors; once you are in, the search within is your own.  It is only the Keys which have been passed on from generation to generation;  Truth itself is only the Truth that you create.  Of course you can walk unknowingly right past the keys just as you failed to read the Buck page which unlocks the lower prices in my eBay store.  Which was a sign to me that your ears are not open yet, but I have been instructed otherwise.  I therefore open my mouth.

Most of these lessons will have a text, a practical assignment, and a written assignment.
The texts for this introductory lesson shall be The Impersonal Life and the four books of which I was author in previous incarnation: Deuteronomy, Jeremiah, Lamentations, The Epistle to the Hebrews.  The practical assignment is to make the weight loss mantra a part of your routine.  The written assignment must be in your own handwriting covering three pages or more, and mailed to me daily at:

150 Clark Boulevard, Suite 74,
Brampton, Ontario
Canada L6T 4Y8

Today’s written assignment is to write out from the texts anything which appears to confirm or contradict what I have written here; to express both your thoughts and your emotions from this lesson; and to express any questions arising from this lesson.  If you do not have the time or inclination to do the assignment, write out instead:  “what I seek, seeks me” over and over until you have filled a minimum three pages.

By the Love of God


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