Wednesday 6 April 2011



CRYSTALS and other tools are extensions of our bodies; just as a shovel extends the arm.   This is extension of our abilities, our power, our control over our environment [consider social credit textbooks on the subject] BUT the extension can become a BARRIER to using our full soul-power, the power actually within us.  We spend too much time and effort researching the crutches=extensions, thereby FAILING to attain the super-consciousness which is ultimately desired.  Remember the simple faith of Liesel.  This also ties in with the Judaic prohibitions against seers – applicable to the general public but not to the initiates, cf. King Saul’s misadventures.  Also consider Les Brown’s and the Cloud Maker’s warnings against actually using pyramid energies.  Fact:  those who know how to use the material energies, do not use them.  Jesus at the temptation in the wilderness specifically rejects the genre in favour of the power of The Word; and check out Odin [legendary figure based on the real Jeremiah’s trip to Britain and Europe] doing the same in his legend.  Habakkuk, a student of Jeremiah in the Hosea-created school outside Jerusalem, was an initiate into the secrets of Atlantis; he assisted Jeremiah in stealing the Ark of the Covenant.  His much-edited message against the crutches still survives.  The sermon is in the green language later perfected by Nostradamus:  on one level it exhorts King Jehoiakim; on another, the Assyrian invaders; on another, anyone whom the shoe fits.  Habakkuk uses fishing analogies to make his points [in all six of his incarnations, including his present one in Canada, he has been connected to water or fishing – curator of the Royal Aquarium in Atlantis; a fisherman’s son from Galilee (and ancestor of Peter and Andrew in that incarnation – Andrew was a high initiate because of the passing of the keys to the mysteries from father to one chosen son); a cod merchant in the Azores; a naval officer].  Habakkuk talks about the same five projections which are referred to in Cayce’s readings and by Drunvalo Melchisedek and others.  These projections still form the basis of British Common Law, the most explicitly Christian system surviving on the planet [its absorption is the Law of the Admiralty]; its origin to Britain is from Lemuria and Atlantis via Frisia.  Like modern prophets Churchward, Schauberger, and Tesla, Habakkuk knows that the material exists only when two affinitive but opposing forces meet.  Every thought creates its opposite.  Thus every projection has its opposing absorption.  The five projections each have their own danger [i.e.; absorption cf. Gerard Manly Hopkins on the danger of beauty]: 

1]the projection of the shape of sight (The Market Square) [Hab.2:6] has the danger of “him that increases that which is not his” – think of our modern banking system usurping the social credit, creating money out of nothing – aggression is the absorption; 

2] the projection of the shape of hearing (The King’s

High Way

) [Hab.2:9] has the danger of “he that sets his nest on high” – think of the Lucifer falling from heaven – ego-assertion is the absorption; 

3] the projection of the shape of smell (The Village Green) [Hab.2:12] has the danger of “him that buildeth a town with bloods” i.e., saps others’ life energies – violence is the absorption; 

4] the projection of the shape of touch (The Manor House) [Hab.2:16] has the danger of plotting sexual exploitation “let thy foreskin be uncovered” – look around you, America! – inhumanity, i.e., seeing others as (sex) objects is the absorption; 

5] the projection of the shape of taste (The Parish) [Hab.2:18] has the danger of him who worships his own creations; “the maker of his work trusteth therein”; idolatry is the absorption. 

It is this fifth projection with which Habakkuk is primarily concerned.  People attribute their powers to their own gods, the gods which they have made, which is the TOOLS or CRUTCHES.  Habakkuk uses the tools of fishing to make his point, but he could just as well have used the CIRCLE AND SQUARE – the tools worshipped by Scottish freemasonry.  [The Scottish-rite masons at the higher degrees freely admit that they never had any secrets; the Frisian-rite masons on the other hand have held their secrets for perhaps as long as two million years.]  The point is that all of the crutches: 

**numerology **conscious or trance channelings **automatic writing **psychic reading **tarot **Ouija **pendulums **dousing **crystals **drugs (especially sacred mushroom,  mescaline, peyote, LSD) **pyramids, tetrahedrons and other shapes ---  are artificial (i.e., artifice is required) means of accessing THE FIELD OF ONE to obtain knowledge or power – they do not HAVE knowledge or power – they provide ACCESS to knowledge and power – they are all therefore only PARTIAL IMAGES of ONE: they take the place (shape) of spiritual consciousness -- and all of them can be manipulated by the presence of negative frequencies.

           K’lakokum, Dec.4, 2005

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