Wednesday 9 March 2011


Will the World Be Destroyed in 2012?
Prophecies from the Maya and the Old Egyptians PATRICK GERYL and GINO RATINCKX
2002 softcover, condition: very good, ISBN 0932813917;  ITEM YE93 in the Nebiru Crossing book store [Look for us on Facebook]
Patrick Geryl’s book reads like a detective story:  he becomes aware of the Mayan prophecy that the earth will be destroyed on December 21, 2012, and sets out to understand how the date was calculated, and to seek substantiation.  The issue is critical:  it concerns the very survival of humanity.  Along the way he encounters an archae-astronomist, Gino Ratinckx, who joins the search and becomes co-author of the book.
     The authors discover that several times in human history, the earth’s magnetic poles have shifted suddenly in response to similar sudden shifts in the sun’s magnetic poles.  The last such shift occurred on July 27th, 9792 BCE, and resulted in the sinking of the legendary continent of Atlantis.  Those Atlanteans had received a record of a previous magnetic shift [February 21st, 21,312 BCE] from the survivors of that shift, but – just like in modern times – needed thousands of years to decipher the meaning of the record.  When they finally did understand the calculations, only 208 years remained to prepare for  disaster [widely pooh-poohed then as in the days of Noah and just as it is widely scorned today]; they did build about 80,000 rescue vehicles [Mandjits]; ultimately, very few Mandjits made it through the cataclysm.  There were only about 7,000 survivors to re-populate the planet, and these had been bumped instantaneously back to stone age conditions.  Nevertheless, knowing that memories would fade through the centuries and millenia, they did leave us a coded message of the calculations to predict the next disaster.
     The date of the impending cataclysm has been known for over four centuries, but Geryl [in 2001] was the first to place it into the context of scientific examination – to treat it seriously rather than as myth.
     We know that homo sapiens sapiens have existed on this planet for about 400,000 years [from Zechariah Sitchin and other researchers since the 1970s], and that we are probably currently experiencing the fifth time that world population has grown to exceed six billion people.  The magnetic shifts studied by the authors have affected every planet in our solar system; the last such cataclysm had no survivors on the previously-populated Mars, and perhaps not on Nibiru [far beyond Pluto, with a solar orbit of 3,598 years, currently heading back towards the sun and visible in the southern hemisphere’s skies since October 16, 2003; in the northern hemisphere since March 4, 2011] either (since it is now thousands of years since the blue-skinned giant Nefelim [accurately portrayed in Avatar] last visited from there).
      Geryl and Ratinckx examine the varied methods employed by past civilizations to calculate the cataclysm date [the Mayan (based on sun and Venus), Sothic (based on sun and Sirius) and Vedic calendars (based on eight heavenly bodies) all end on the same date: December 21st, 2012], and then look at recent attempts to understand the sun’s magnetism.  Modern science points to the same date!! which has been hidden in those mathematical and geometric codes that have been fundamental to long-standing religious rituals – all of them containing strong prohibition against changing even so much as a punctuation mark in the official liturgy – and now we know why.  A magnetic pole shift is not the only thing which has produced previous cataclysms (asteroid impact being one of several others) – but this disaster is predictable.
     Geryl and Ratinckx give a precise description of what happens on the day of the cataclysm.  About three hours before the flip, the entire sky turns red as the atmosphere ceases to be a shield against solar radiation.  Everything which relies on any form of electro-magnetism stops working – all our technology, including all knowledge stored in computers, goes down the drain.
     Since the normal magnetic field will not be restored for a century or more after the flip, there will be no survivors with active memory to restore the pre-flip technology.  Concepts and objects which we take for granted -- airplanes, refrigerators, televisions, automobiles, space travel -- will have been reduced to the contents of myth and imagination.
     The actual flip takes only about three minutes.  It is accompanied by a severe, instant temperature drop world-wide, reaching about minus 60 degrees Celsius at both poles [this accounts for frozen mammoths discovered with un-chewed food still in their mouths].  The earth’s core begins to spin in the opposite direction in relation to the crust of the earth, resulting in a tidal wave more than a mile high travelling at a speed of over 8,000 miles per hour, round and round the globe.  (The Noah and the Sumerian legends tell us it takes about 40 to 70 days for the water to settle back.)  Volcanoes erupt, earthquakes abound, new mountains are formed, other mountains are ripped to shreds in the twinkling of an eye.  Virtually all life on the planet comes to an end.
     Although there have always been a few survivors before, Geryl believes that this time there will likely be none because both the radiation from our destroyed nuclear reactors and the poison from escaped biological weapons will be a new decisive hazard.
     But he wants to attempt survival and invites participation in constructing a plastic ark which will be able to withstand the shocks of the cataclysm, will contain some record of all essential human technology as well as seeds, live animals and embryonic material to replenish the planet afterwards.  The vehicle will be designed to save about 4,000 people – 400 males with scientific and practical credentials, and 3,600 young females of breeding age willing to birth nine-fold or more.  And they will keep a record so that in 11,000 years preparation can be made to survive again.  Hopefully, on that occasion, homo sapiens sapiens will possess the technology to evacuate the solar system.

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