Thursday 14 April 2011


How much reliance would you place upon a 65-year-old automobile?  Would you depend your life on it?  Would you use it for personal or national security?
Both of the leading political parties in the current election have led off their advertising campaigns with obnoxious and/or misleading attack ads, and neither party is positively promoting a realistic agenda.  But these ads were deliberately and consciously chosen;  there is a reason for the specifics of these ads, and I want to examine some of that background.
The Liberal lead-off is an attack on the military spending proposed in the Conservative budget.  During World War Two, Canada established an international reputation as a country that could be counted on, that was capable of packing a punch, that could effect a severe blow ---  that we meant what we said and would back it up appropriately.  Thus we became – by merit and proven honour -- one of the five nations that sat at the table directing the War.  This was completely out of proportion to the small percentage which our population represented to the entire Allied population, and on a per capita basis, Canadians became the biggest contributors to the Allied effort.  We gained international respect.
Since the War, successive Liberal administrations have neglected our military, and our national defence capabilities have declined dramatically.  Much of our equipment is still of World War Two vintage.  It now requires 18 hours of repair and maintenance time for ONE hour of operational time.  To get to Afghanistan, our troops are hitchhiking rides on American military cargo flights which leave the Fort Drum, NY staging base for Iraq on a daily basis, and we are tying up American troops who provide us overland escort to our Afghan staging area.  Because most of our aircraft can’t fly that far.  Our Allies, when we are engaged in joint operations, tear out their hair trying to find for us some unimportant task that we are capable of performing to meet our treaty obligations.  We are an international laughing-stock.  We are driving a 65-year-old automobile.   Canadian soldiers are dieing in Afghanistan because their equipment is obsolete.   Ironically, Liberal campaign literature openly admits that Canada’s international reputation has been lost!!!  What chutzpah!  What gall!  [It reminds me of God’s complaint through the mouth of Jeremiah, that after having committed adultery, Israel wanted to be God’s bride again.  They must have been Liberals!]
Mr. Ignatieff is spitting on the blood of all those Canadians who have shed that blood on behalf of their country, and the fine men and women who are still prepared to shed their blood now.  Mr. Ignatieff’s complaint about the proposed $20 billion expenditure should be that it is not enough – we should be spending at least $100 billion to remedy half-a-century of Liberal neglect!  This includes Liberal waste such as the $500 million penalty [which became $880 million actually paid out, after interest was added, and including the legal, personnel and other secondary costs associated with trying to evade payment of the penalty; plus the over $2 billion cost of 12,000 man-years of lost jobs that came with that; plus the $540 million lost income tax that would have been generated by those lost jobs; plus the continued 18-to-1 repair costs which would have disappeared from the other side of the ledger, etc., etc.; total cost over $5 billion] when Liberals cancelled the Conservative helicopter-renewal contract.
During this election campaign, Mr. Ignatieff could profit by taking a look at his fellow-Liberal Stephane Dion’s bad example, and fellow-Liberal Brian Tobin’s good example.
Mr. Dion is the only Liberal Leader in the 15-decade history of the Whigs who never served (even briefly, like John Turner) as Prime Minister.  [Ignatieff will be the second.] Mr. Dion’s resounding electoral defeat was fueled by four factors.  Canadians overwhelmingly supported Mr. Dion’s environmental concerns in principle, and he, aware of that, tried to make it the central issue of his campaign.  He was, however, unable to translate his academic and theoretical ideas into practical, understandable policy.  His figures never had the benefit of perusal by a chartered accountant; they didn’t add up.  Mr. Dion constantly contradicted himself on the details of implementation, and had absolutely no idea of the costs involved, or how he would finance them.  By the second week of the campaign he just looked like a fool.  Mr. Ignatieff has the same academic and theoretical talent as Mr. Dion, and the same absence of dollars and sense.  When he speaks against a $20 billion expenditure, he is speaking for a $15 billion dollar bubble gum and BandAid ® 18-to-1 repair bill, and, like Mr. Dion, can’t do the math of looking at both sides of the ledger, to see a net outgo of only $5 billion.  As a matter of fact, there is only one person in the current Liberal team who does understand dollars and sense – Mr. Bob Rae – but he is determined to take us to hell in spite of the facts he understands so well, as he proved while he was the NDP Premier of Ontario.  I respected and liked Mr. Ignatieff when he was a book reviewer [see ]but he’s way out of that league in his Liberal leadership role.
Secondly, on six occasions as he criss-crossed the country, Mr. Dion spoke on regional issues and made election promises to fulfill the desires of local public opinion.  But on these six occasions, he was speaking on issues which are not within the constitutional mandate of the federal government.  Mr. Harper, questioned by reporters on these issues had a standard reply: “I will seek to have the issue placed on the agenda of the next First Ministers meeting”; i.e., he would discuss the issue with the provincial Premiers who have the constitutional authority to deal with them.  Education, including at the post-secondary level, is under the constitutional mandate of the Provinces, but Mr. Ignatieff, on the pro-active side of his platform has chosen to lead-off with promises in the field of education.  He can do nothing in the field of education without the prior permission of the Provinces, and he must demonstrate that he has the support of the Premiers before he proceeds any further.  In Mr. Dion’s and Mr. Ignatieff’s defence, I must state that since the Pearson Technique was developed, there has been considerable federal encroachment upon provincial affairs.  In Mr. Dion’s case, the cool Harper correction, issued six times, merely added to the public assessment of Mr. Dion’s incompetence.
Let’s sidetrack to that issue, for a moment.  Mr. Pearson was our first explicitly New World Order Prime Minister, with a belief in supreme centralization of government.  He reversed Sir Wilfred Laurier’s traditional liberal and Liberal policy of a limited federal government with strong Provinces [Laurier was our best Liberal PM, Trudeau the worst; Diefenbaker the best Conservative PM, Mulroney the worst; Caouette the best 3rd party Leader, David Lewis the worst.]  Mr. Pearson led a minority government and was kept in power by the two Social Credit parties in Opposition:  French-language Caouette’s party with 32 seats in Quebec, and the English-language party with 26 seats in B.C. and the Prairies.  [Footnote:  when Social Credit disappeared in the late 1970s, the Anglophile Socreds re-emerged a decade later as Reform, and the bulk of the Francophile Creditistes joined in forming the Bloc, which is a misunderstood nationalist party, rather than a separatist party – these are people who are proud of themselves and their culture, and will fight to retain it.  Most of the sensible words spoken in the House during the 40th Parliament, on all issues, came from the Bloc.  End footnote.]  The two Social Credit parties sat together on the Opposition benches and had five joint-demands (all implemented) to keep Mr. Pearson in power, beginning with a new flag more acceptable to French-Canadians (implemented February 15, 1965).  The main demand was medi-care, but health care is under provincial constitutional jurisdiction.  The first major use of the Pearson Technique therefore was to breach that constitutional barrier in order to keep Pearson’s Social Credit support in the House of Commons.  When the legislation was first passed, the Provinces could opt in on a voluntary basis, and only the have-not Atlantic Provinces first did so, resulting in a severe drain on the federal treasury.  It was imperative to get Ontario, the industrial and commercial heart of the country – the bankroller --, to join.  In March, 1968, a survey in Ontario showed that 96.7% of Ontarians were covered by private health insurance, which was generally sold 30% below cost as a loss-leader by life insurance companies.  In other words, all buyers of whole-life insurance were subsidizing health insurance.  Many Ontarians were covered by group plans where the employer bore most of the cost.  The 3.3 % of the population that was too old, too sick or too poor to have health insurance did have limited but unsatisfactory means-test coverage through various social services.  What was needed was some form of upgrade for that 3.3 %, which could have been organized through private philanthropy and voluntarily donated services from within the health-care field.  In April, 1969, Ontario Premier Robarts, based on these facts before him, was still making speeches denouncing medi-care as ‘a Machiavellian fraud’.  But in order to cover the drain of money to the Atlantic Provinces, Mr. Pearson had added a 3% health surcharge to income taxes, immediately to be added to the amounts withheld by employers.  Any province that opted in would immediately receive via Federal-to-Provincial transfer 100% of the surcharge collected in their Province.  By the end of August of 1969, sufficient Ontarians were angry at 18 months of smaller pay cheques, and sufficient millions of dollars had accumulated available for transfer to Ontario, to prompt Robarts to accept the bribe by calling the Legislature back from summer recess, having first, second and third readings back-to-back, invoking closure, and having medi-care signed into law by the Lieutenant-Governor less than 200 minutes after the ramming started.  That was the first use of the Pearson Technique, conceived by Mr. Pearson and delivered by Mr. Trudeau throughout the next decade with massive centralization and encroachment on the Provinces with such nonsensical programs as the Equalization payments and the Regional Economic Disparity payments, major inroads on provincial responsibility for education and on and on and on.  Evidently, Mr. Dion and Mr. Ignatieff, feathers of the Pearson/Trudeau stork, plan to deliver more such children.
Before we look at Mr. Dion’s two other bad examples and Mr. Tobin’s one good example, we need to step back and take a look at the context of how this unnecessary election was called.
Seats on House of Commons’ committees are apportioned according to party representation in the House.  In a minority Parliament, the Opposition always controls the committees.  On March 25, 2011, an opposition-loaded committee found Mr. Harper’s Government in contempt of Parliament, and that was used by Mr. Ignatieff to bring down the government.  This was not an objective ruling by an impartial judicial proceeding; it was a blatant subjective dishonest political ploy, based on lingering Liberal anger over Mr. Harper’s prorogue of Parliament. 
The usual motive to prorogue is mere routine:  the governing party feels that it has completed or exhausted the agenda which previously received the assent of Parliament, and a short break is required to formulate a fresh agenda.  Upon resumption of Session, the government presents that agenda to Parliament in the form of a Budget or a Throne Speech (which Mr. Harper did do).  Every prorogue is accompanied by windbagging and political rhetoric, and a judgment as to its legitimacy cannot be made at the time of the announcement.  That judgment is always made in hindsight.  The standard of judgment is:  did the government present a fresh agenda in the form of Budget or Throne Speech?  If the government continues with the previous agenda, or presents a Budget or Throne Speech which merely re-states the previous, then the legitimacy is questionable.  To date, there have been 78 such occasions where Parliament resumed without a fresh agenda, but most of those occasions were nevertheless legitimate for acceptable reasons other than parliamentary routine.  On two occasions of those 78, governing Conservatives prorogued as a courtesy to the Official Opposition:  twice, the Liberal Party has been permitted to conduct a leadership convention without Members being required to attend to parliamentary duties.  Subsequent to twice receiving this favour, Liberals have had three opportunities to be honourable gentlemen and return it, but have not done so.  This is characteristic of the Liberal rudeness and unsportsmanlike conduct which has been a hallmark of Liberals ever since Pierre Trudeau told Parliament to “fuck off”.   On several of the 78 occasions, Parliament has prorogued to provide a cooling off period where Canadians were sharply divided on major issues.  Examples would include the prorogues of 1885 (the hanging of Louis Riel), 1941 (Conscription crisis), and 1956 (the Suez controversy).  Several times, the prorogue has been celebratory in nature:  1945 (end of World War Two), 1967 (opening of Expo 67 and Centennial celebrations), 2010 (Vancouver Olympics.  Here Prime Minister Harper is merely following the precedent established by Liberal Prime Ministers King and Pearson).  In Canada’s first century, i.e., before Trudeau, the prorogue was used for purely political motives only eight times, all of them by Liberal Prime Ministers:  Laurier twice, King thrice, St.Laurent once, Pearson twice.
From 1948 to 1962, Pierre Trudeau was a leader of the communist Ralliement, making no secret of his contempt for Canadian and British traditions, including Parliament.  In numerous articles, lectures, columns and books he set out an agenda to radically alter Canadian society.  Towards the end of that 14-year period, he flirted briefly with the CCF (which became the NDP) before taking his own advice “to plant the seed of radical socialism within the established political parties” by joining the Liberals in 1962.  Less than three years later (1965) he was able to inaugurate implementation of his agenda as Minister of Justice, introducing the Omnibus Bill which first allowed young offenders to go unpunished, permitted the murder of the unborn, dissolved the vows of matrimony, and challenged freedom of worship and freedom of speech.  After he became Prime Minister in 1968, he perfected the prorogue as a purely political technique, using it more often than all his predecessors combined  -- eleven times (twelve if you count his proclamation of the War Measures Act as a prorogue by other means).
Jean Chretien followed Trudeau’s lead four times.  The only Conservative Prime Minister to emulate Trudeau to date has been Brian Mulroney.  The score on clearly illegitimate prorogues since Confederation is:  by Liberals, 28; by Conservatives, 8.
This election has been called to justify Mr. Ignatieff’s deliberate misrepresentation of the historical facts, and his failure to use the accepted standard of judgment:  did the Government, upon resumption of Session, present a Budget or Throne Speech?  Yes, Mr. Harper did.
In their campaign literature, Liberals are making hay of the fact that this is the first time in the history of the Commonwealth that a Government has been found in contempt of Parliament.  By whom?  Well, Mr. Pearson was the last Liberal leader who was an honourable gentleman.  Every Liberal leader since Trudeau’s “fuck off” has displayed bad manners, unsportsmanlike conduct, disdain, scorn and contempt of Parliament, and has not acted like an honourable gentleman.  A contempt finding (by a meaningless committee of Liberal lackeys) has never happened before because no previous leader has been willing to stoop as low as Mr. Ignatieff.  Shame on Mr. Ignatieff!  Parliament represents all Canadians; every action in Parliament is directed towards all Canadians.  It is Mr. Ignatieff who, by his acts as a dishonourable gentleman, is demonstrating contempt and disrespect for all Canadians.
Which brings me to the third point concerning Mr. Dion:  twice during his campaign he displayed the Liberal inability to behave in a civilized manner, and publicly lost his temper at reporters who were perhaps a little too pressing in trying to make order out of his environmental chaos.  Mr. Ignatieff just walks away [see ] which is a little less stressful, but just as uncivilized.  Mr. Ignatieff, it turns out, is just another version of Stephane Dion, less personable, less presentable, but dishonest rather than impetuous.
Our society is largely governed or manipulated based on statistics.  Almost everything can be accurately predicted or orchestrated because most people have no idea of the extent to which they are influenced by the thoughts and actions of others.  Our lives are based on numbers.  Much of the predictability has commercial value.  For example, when I operated a pizza franchise during the 1980s, I was advised by head office that of every 100 flyers I distributed which contained a $3 off coupon, I would have two coupons cashed within 48 hours, another two coupons cashed in the final three days before the expiry date, and from one to three telephone orders from callers who mentioned the coupon but did not actually cash it.  This was right-on-target advice.  We have surveys and statistics on every conceivable subject, so that we can quite accurately predict human behaviour [plus or minus 2%, 19 times out of 20, lol].  The participation rate for a religious rally is said to be seven-tenths of one per cent; for a political rally, two-tenths of one per cent.  This means that each person who shows up at the religious rally represents 142 other people from that group’s constituency who feel just as strongly on that issue.  At the political rally, each person represents 499 other people who feel just as strongly.  I haven’t been able to find a statistical probability participation rate for a nationalist or patriotic event, but I would guess it to be within that political to religious range.  So when 15,000 people stand on the bridges over the 401 to honour our dead soldiers being returned from Afghanistan, they represent at least 2 million Canadians in Ontario who strongly support our troops.
Those two million Ontario residents were highly offended by Mr. Dion’s fourth mistake – trying to make political gain out of the funerals of our soldiers.  It was the deciding factor which cost him the election.  Mr. Ignatieff, committing the same error, has already assured that he will win only 30 seats.  It is a major offence for a politician to attend a funeral, or make public comments about a funeral, during an election campaign, unless the deceased is a relative or a close personal friend where that relationship has been publicly well-known in advance of such death.  Mr. Dion was the first politician in Canadian history to demonstrate such contempt or ignorance – and show once again that Liberals are not honourable gentlemen.
Mr. Ignatieff’s 30 seats will be concentrated in Vancouver, Brampton, Toronto and Montreal wherein we find the 16 constituencies which StatsCan reported in 2006 contain voters of whom over 60% have been Canadian citizens less than ten years; and are therefore the people who have been coerced into believing another Liberal historical lie, i.e., that the Liberals are the party representing immigrants.   Yet even before Confederation, it was the Upper Canada Tories who invited the United Empire refugees from the American Revolution.  It was the Upper Canada Tories who, four decades later, sponsored the massive humanitarian immigration from the Irish Potato Famine.  Shortly after Confederation, our first Conservative Prime Minister consummated the largest real estate transaction in world history, purchasing over one-third of North America from The Hudson’s Bay Company for 300,000 pounds sterling, and sponsored massive immigration from Scandinavia and the Baltics to begin filling the West.  Between the World Wars, Conservative Prime Ministers Sir Robert Borden, Arthur Meighen and R.B. Bennett sponsored first refugees from the Russian Revolution and then other south-east Europeans.  Conservative Prime Minister Diefenbaker sponsored the late 50s immigration from the defeated Axis countries.  All Conservative Prime Ministers continuously urged immigration from Britain and America and other Christian countries.
I was 19 months and 11 days old when I arrived in Canada.  I applied for citizenship (with parental approval, of course) when I was 10 years old, and received it when I was 15.  Under the rules in those days, you had to wait five years from the date of application, not from the date of arrival.  Upon application, you were given four text books covering Canadian history, culture, geography and other points of interest, and covering our political and judicial systems, and the responsibilities (first) and entitlements (second) of Canadian citizenship.  After the five-year waiting period, there were two examinations before a Citizenship Court judge.  The first exam was an oral exam where the applicant had to establish conversational ability in an Official Language.  If you passed that, the second exam was a written exam to establish that you had grasped the contents of the textbooks you had studied for five years.  [I still have them.]  Then I received a firm handshake from both the Citizenship Judge and the Lieutenant-Governor of Alberta, who formally and officially welcomed me to citizenship in Her Majesty’s name.  Then we had the first official raising of the new Canadian flag in Alberta.  I happened to become a citizen on the same day that the new flag became law.
Three years after I became a citizen, we arrive at Mr. Trudeau, the only Liberal Prime Minister who has actively supported immigration.  But Mr. Trudeau’s objective, as he wrote in Cite Libre, was to disrupt the social and cultural fabric, and to introduce conflict to divide society to make the population more malleable to socialist control.  The rules have changed:  the waiting period is only two years, and there are no tests.  You don’t need to speak our language or know anything about our culture and laws.  Just come and take; its free.  Its better than free; we’ll pay you!
Mr. Brian Tobin became a national hero on March 9, 1996, received the nickname Captain Canada, and shot to a national popularity which reached quadruple that of the Prime Minister.  The popularity continued in his home province of Newfoundland and Labrador, catapulting him to the provincial Premiership shortly afterwards.  The issue was the Turbot War.  Mr. Tobin authorized the arrest and seizure of a European Union (Spanish) fishing trawler which had violated Canada’s sovereignity.  [Those who wish to refresh their memory on the details can visit .]
I have cited this incident as a good example for Mr. Ignatieff’s consideration because it is the only post-War live action by a Liberal of which I am aware, and because it generated the same enormous out-pouring of support which we see on the bridges over the 401.  Mr. Ignatieff chose to target military spending only because he could not identify a special interest group whose votes he’d lose, and because he could not identify any economic interests that would suffer immediate harm leading to, at least, demurral.  No, Mr. Ignatieff, you’ve not harmed any little narrow-minded special interest group – you have attacked ALL CANADIANS!!
Nevertheless, the Turbot War incident is flawed.  It required 90 days of planning before enforcement was attempted, revealing our inability to patrol our seas.  A Fisheries aircraft was used to spot the target because a military aircraft was not available.  An armed Fisheries vessel, Cape Roger, was first to arrive on scene, to commence hot pursuit for one hour, and then to fire the warning machine gun shot which stopped the offender.  A Coast Guard vessel, Sir Wilfred Grenville, was the second to arrive, and used strategically directed high-pressure fire hoses to keep blowing the helmsmen of three other Spanish fishing boats which were trying to get between the enforcement vessels and the target, off their posts, leaving their boats uncontrollable.  One warning shot with a machine gun, and about ten squirts from a fire hose – to defend our national sovereignity!  The naval gunboat missed the show and finally arrived about an hour after Cape Roger had the Estai in tow.

[I’m only about halfway through what I had projected to say here, but I’ve been at it for hours, with constant reference to a clutter of about 50 books and journals on my desk, and it is past my bedtime.  I’ve completed the first-year survey course portion of this item, and it is time to get to the actual discussion of the issue placed on the table by Mr. Ignatieff, although it is not imperative that it be done now because Ignatieff is going to lose his own seat as well as the election.  So, on with it, and if I nod off, tomorrow is another day.]
1]the legitimacy of nations (the error of hierarchy/materialist necessity/the possession engram/one world order)
2]the purpose of government (it is your enemy/sovereign free men on the dry land/Law of the Admiralty/one choice at a time)
3]a philosophy of war
          a]All aggressive war is wrong, immoral, illegal; I am fully in agreement with:
          b]Nevertheless, retaliatory capability is essential:
"In a civilized society, force may be used only in retaliation and only against those who initiate its use. If some 'pacifist' society renounced the retaliatory use of force, it would be left helplessly at the mercy of the first thug who decided to be immoral. Such a society would achieve the opposite of its intention: instead of abolishing evil, it would encourage and reward it."Ayn Rand
           c]a rational policy for Canada
           d]funding and implementing that policy

Monday 11 April 2011


Dear Todd;

The Universe leads me to now respond to your comment of a month ago: ”you might be able to get $5 for a used tennis ball from some poor ignorant soul”.  You have made, unconsciously, an astute choice of words.  When Jesus said “Let the dead bury the dead”, he did not mean people who were dead in the flesh; he meant people who were dead in their soul.  And you have chosen the word “soul”.  Yes, I have indeed sold a used golf ball, unwashed, for $US 13.00, and received gratitude and positive feedback for it.  I have sold a used Watchtower magazine, normally available pristine for a nickel on the corner from your local Witness,  creased and with caricatures scribbled over the illustrations, the rear page torn – for $US 4.38.  The bidders received what they wanted and needed at a price they chose to pay.  They could have chosen a lower price by bidding lower or seeking further.  One man’s garbage becomes another man’s treasure.  Do not impose either your treasure or your garbage on others.  You are sitting in judgement here, and that is not your place – let God be the judge.  But how do we reconcile the two biblical pronouncements:  “Judge not”; “Be a just judge” ?  We are to judge ourselves judiciously, tenaciously, consistently, firmly, honestly – and others not at all.  You can be niggardly on behalf of yourself [and certainly are, as shown by your eBay feedback and your correspondence with me], but not on behalf of others.  Do not justify your niggardliness by pretending to appeal on behalf of the interests of others, for it is your soul which is poor and ignorant – which is why God has led you to my abundance.

Your statement is, in any event, a false appeal.  The Impersonal Life is available for 33 cents in my eBay store, to those who search the store and discover the key – the code in every listing – which gives a second price for each item.  The code “-0”, published in this listing, indicates a price of 33 cents.  You have not read any of the pages available in the upper tool bar of each listing.

Which brings us to our first lesson.   This is a lesson that you have heard before, 1,981 years ago when we last met in person in prior lifetimes, and at the conclusion of which I heard Jesus tell you: “Sell all that you have, and give to the poor”.  For you, it is now three lifetimes later, and you have chosen to incarnate for another attempt at learning and feeling the uncomprehended and unexperienced lesson which will change your soul from scarcity to abundance of life.  Your eBay name guru indicates a boast of abundant wisdom – but you are no guru.  I, on the other hand, am living my third lifetime in which I could make such a claim; but the first thing I learned when I became a master 27 centuries ago was that I am not a master; God within is the only guru.  And this is part of the substance of An Impersonal Life, of which God has led you to acquire two dozen copies (so you boast), in the hope that you would pick up one of them, and find what you are so actively seeking.  You have been persistent; you have e-mailed me at least seven times; listen now to God’s response to your persistence.

I normally receive $8,000 in advance for this series of 85 lessons, because “the labourer is worthy of his hire”.  By the time we conclude the series, you will become convinced of its value and will with eagerness and gratitude send me far more than $8,000.

We will need a physical yardstick of some kind to measure your progress through this series of lessons.  Most lessons will come with some sort of task which is physically uncomfortable or deliberately humiliating, for, as I wrote almost 20 centuries ago in one of my works which made it into the canon:  “without chastisement you are bastards and not sons”.  So, in the next 85 days, you will lose one pound per day, and your success in that physical objective will be our measurement of your spiritual progress.  You shall not make any changes in your diet, your exercise program, or in any of your other habits; you will attain the objective using spiritual forces only.  Today you will state twenty-five times, out loud: “In 85 days I AM 85 pounds less”.  Tomorrow you will state twenty-five times, out loud: “In 84 days I AM 84 pounds less”.  And so on.  You will take no other physical measures of any kind to attain the objective.  This exercise will teach you how the flesh is to be governed by the spirit; how it is not to be mortified, i.e.; made dead, but rather to be enlivened to everlasting life. 

In addition to the physical objective of weight loss, we will have an emotional objective, and that is to feel how to be a winner without defeating others; how to play purely to win rather than playing deadly to defeat others; how to live with neither imposing personality on others nor accepting imposition of personality from others.

Once the physical and emotional lessons are learned, the mental lessons are a snap and the spiritual lessons are virtually automatic.

The purpose of these 85 lessons is not to change you or to convert you to any philosophy or religion; the purpose is to assist you to restore your self.  To be who you really are.  To be in harmony with yourself and the Universe.  I am not seeking your approval;  I am not desirous of creating disciples.  You have been seeking Truth; I have been instructed to give you what you seek.  There are many who seek Truth, but there are few who find it, because most are easily dissuaded from the constant diligence required to maintain an intention.  In every generation of humanity, there have been only a few individuals fully acquainted with Truth, and they have withheld it from the masses because, to paraphrase Jesus: “one ought not to cast pearls before swine”.  You receive only what you ask for, and most people do not know the proper questions.  But you have been chosen to receive this pearl!!!  When the ears of the student are ready to open, the mouth will come to fill them with wisdom.  So, in each generation, a few have passed to a few of the next generation, from mouth to ear, the keys to Truth.  These are the keys which unlock the doors; once you are in, the search within is your own.  It is only the Keys which have been passed on from generation to generation;  Truth itself is only the Truth that you create.  Of course you can walk unknowingly right past the keys just as you failed to read the Buck page which unlocks the lower prices in my eBay store.  Which was a sign to me that your ears are not open yet, but I have been instructed otherwise.  I therefore open my mouth.

Most of these lessons will have a text, a practical assignment, and a written assignment.
The texts for this introductory lesson shall be The Impersonal Life and the four books of which I was author in previous incarnation: Deuteronomy, Jeremiah, Lamentations, The Epistle to the Hebrews.  The practical assignment is to make the weight loss mantra a part of your routine.  The written assignment must be in your own handwriting covering three pages or more, and mailed to me daily at:

150 Clark Boulevard, Suite 74,
Brampton, Ontario
Canada L6T 4Y8

Today’s written assignment is to write out from the texts anything which appears to confirm or contradict what I have written here; to express both your thoughts and your emotions from this lesson; and to express any questions arising from this lesson.  If you do not have the time or inclination to do the assignment, write out instead:  “what I seek, seeks me” over and over until you have filled a minimum three pages.

By the Love of God


Friday 8 April 2011


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Thursday 7 April 2011


It is a slow day in the small Saskatchewan town of Pumphandle, and streets are deserted. Times are tough, everybody is in debt, and everybody is living on credit.  A tourist visiting the area drives through town, stops at the motel, and lays a $100 bill on the desk saying he wants to inspect the rooms upstairs to pick one for the night.  As soon as he walks upstairs, the motel owner grabs the bill and runs next door to pay his debt to the butcher.  The butcher takes the $100 and runs down the street to retire his debt to the pig farmer.  The pig farmer takes the $100 and heads off to pay his bill to his supplier, the Co-op.  The guy at the Co-op takes the $100 and runs to pay his debt to the local prostitute, who has also been facing hard times and has had to offer her "services" on credit.  The hooker rushes to the hotel and pays off her room bill with the hotel owner.  The hotel proprietor then places the $100 back on the counter so the traveler will not suspect anything.  At that moment the traveler comes down the stairs, states that the rooms are not satisfactory, picks up the $100 bill and leaves.  No one produced anything. No one earned anything... However, the whole town is now out of debt and now looks to the future with a lot more optimism.  And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how a Stimulus package works.   

Wednesday 6 April 2011



CRYSTALS and other tools are extensions of our bodies; just as a shovel extends the arm.   This is extension of our abilities, our power, our control over our environment [consider social credit textbooks on the subject] BUT the extension can become a BARRIER to using our full soul-power, the power actually within us.  We spend too much time and effort researching the crutches=extensions, thereby FAILING to attain the super-consciousness which is ultimately desired.  Remember the simple faith of Liesel.  This also ties in with the Judaic prohibitions against seers – applicable to the general public but not to the initiates, cf. King Saul’s misadventures.  Also consider Les Brown’s and the Cloud Maker’s warnings against actually using pyramid energies.  Fact:  those who know how to use the material energies, do not use them.  Jesus at the temptation in the wilderness specifically rejects the genre in favour of the power of The Word; and check out Odin [legendary figure based on the real Jeremiah’s trip to Britain and Europe] doing the same in his legend.  Habakkuk, a student of Jeremiah in the Hosea-created school outside Jerusalem, was an initiate into the secrets of Atlantis; he assisted Jeremiah in stealing the Ark of the Covenant.  His much-edited message against the crutches still survives.  The sermon is in the green language later perfected by Nostradamus:  on one level it exhorts King Jehoiakim; on another, the Assyrian invaders; on another, anyone whom the shoe fits.  Habakkuk uses fishing analogies to make his points [in all six of his incarnations, including his present one in Canada, he has been connected to water or fishing – curator of the Royal Aquarium in Atlantis; a fisherman’s son from Galilee (and ancestor of Peter and Andrew in that incarnation – Andrew was a high initiate because of the passing of the keys to the mysteries from father to one chosen son); a cod merchant in the Azores; a naval officer].  Habakkuk talks about the same five projections which are referred to in Cayce’s readings and by Drunvalo Melchisedek and others.  These projections still form the basis of British Common Law, the most explicitly Christian system surviving on the planet [its absorption is the Law of the Admiralty]; its origin to Britain is from Lemuria and Atlantis via Frisia.  Like modern prophets Churchward, Schauberger, and Tesla, Habakkuk knows that the material exists only when two affinitive but opposing forces meet.  Every thought creates its opposite.  Thus every projection has its opposing absorption.  The five projections each have their own danger [i.e.; absorption cf. Gerard Manly Hopkins on the danger of beauty]: 

1]the projection of the shape of sight (The Market Square) [Hab.2:6] has the danger of “him that increases that which is not his” – think of our modern banking system usurping the social credit, creating money out of nothing – aggression is the absorption; 

2] the projection of the shape of hearing (The King’s

High Way

) [Hab.2:9] has the danger of “he that sets his nest on high” – think of the Lucifer falling from heaven – ego-assertion is the absorption; 

3] the projection of the shape of smell (The Village Green) [Hab.2:12] has the danger of “him that buildeth a town with bloods” i.e., saps others’ life energies – violence is the absorption; 

4] the projection of the shape of touch (The Manor House) [Hab.2:16] has the danger of plotting sexual exploitation “let thy foreskin be uncovered” – look around you, America! – inhumanity, i.e., seeing others as (sex) objects is the absorption; 

5] the projection of the shape of taste (The Parish) [Hab.2:18] has the danger of him who worships his own creations; “the maker of his work trusteth therein”; idolatry is the absorption. 

It is this fifth projection with which Habakkuk is primarily concerned.  People attribute their powers to their own gods, the gods which they have made, which is the TOOLS or CRUTCHES.  Habakkuk uses the tools of fishing to make his point, but he could just as well have used the CIRCLE AND SQUARE – the tools worshipped by Scottish freemasonry.  [The Scottish-rite masons at the higher degrees freely admit that they never had any secrets; the Frisian-rite masons on the other hand have held their secrets for perhaps as long as two million years.]  The point is that all of the crutches: 

**numerology **conscious or trance channelings **automatic writing **psychic reading **tarot **Ouija **pendulums **dousing **crystals **drugs (especially sacred mushroom,  mescaline, peyote, LSD) **pyramids, tetrahedrons and other shapes ---  are artificial (i.e., artifice is required) means of accessing THE FIELD OF ONE to obtain knowledge or power – they do not HAVE knowledge or power – they provide ACCESS to knowledge and power – they are all therefore only PARTIAL IMAGES of ONE: they take the place (shape) of spiritual consciousness -- and all of them can be manipulated by the presence of negative frequencies.

           K’lakokum, Dec.4, 2005

Tuesday 5 April 2011


by K’lakokum

     Detective Mo Singh did not like being called a Paki.
     Even though he used that word himself; used it often, in fact, to refer to all those immigrants who refused to consciously study all the nuances of the language of their adopted country.  It was always little things that turned brief inter-cultural exchanges into full-blown racism.  Starting a sentence with the words give me, for example.   Canadians considered that to be very rude.  Of course, as soon as he had flashed his badge, the building superintendant had apologized, had become effusively helpful, had become that typical and average citizen who still respects a law enforcement officer at work.
      Detective Singh was six feet three inches tall and he weighed two hundred eleven pounds when he stepped from his shower onto the bathroom scales.  He had the brawn of the heavyweight fighter but also the elusive grace of a dancer.  His brown eyes, brown beard, brown skin and large hooked nose were framed by a royal blue turban which matched precisely the shade of his suit.  He wore the regulation .38 in a shoulder holster under his jacket.
     The man lying on the floor at his feet was white.  And dead.
     He was wearing designer jeans, a classique short-sleeved shirt with a black bio-shield sprawled through the throat, black socks, no shoes.  He lay on his back.  A pool of dried blood stained the carpet at the back of his head.  His left hand clenched a mixer stick; near his right hand an empty glass reflected the blue light from a large aquarium.  He stank.
     Mo opened the sliding door to the balcony and stepped out to get some air.  The coroner and the Homicide cop hadn’t arrived yet, which was just as well.  Mo could never understand the regulation which made it mandatory for Homicide to check on every damn murder committed in this city, even though the case was invariably assigned back to the division answering the call.  He looked down nineteen floors.  His unmarked cruiser in the visitors’ parking lot seemed puny.  So were all the cars in the shopping plaza to his left.  He glanced at the horizon.  About twenty miles away the Needle Tower dominated the downtown skyline.  Two miles beyond that, Lake York glistered to the edge of his vision.  He wondered how much rent premium the stiff had been paying for this view.
     He was startled to hear a baby cry in the apartment.
     “Shit, buddy, where were you hiding?” he said, looking into the eyes of a seal-point blue Siamese cat, the breed known for its eerie human voice.  “Must be hungry because your friend here has been dead a couple of days, at least, eh?  Maybe you could tell me who did him in?”  Should be cat food somewhere in the kitchen, he thought, going there.
     He found a bag of dry cat food in a cupboard, and filled the cat’s food dispenser.  It had probably not gone hungry long because the dispenser was equipped to hold about a five-day supply.  He filled the cat’s water dish, then went to the door to admit the police photographer and the coroner.
     Sylvester Pecota, the photographer, and Dr. Kris Kruse, the coroner, had met more than a decade ere they began working for the City.  Kris had been Sylvester’s first Page Three Girl published in The Daily Planet when he began free-lancing.  They had both put themselves through college by working nights as 1419 off-line sort operators for the Richmond Bank.  This excruciatingly boring job involved feeding machines which processed over 2000 cheques per minute.  Operators were paid for a full eight-hour shift, but could go home as soon as all cheques were sorted.  Sylvester and Kris had usually worked less than four hours, leaving plenty of time for studying and double-dating.  They ended up getting married to Ukrainian twins, Taras and Taria, retaining a close friendship as in-laws, and now they had adjacent offices in the basement of 22 Division.
     They worked so efficiently together that they were in the apartment less than five minutes.
     “Single shot, instant death, pretty straightforward, Mo; didn’t need me for this”, said Kris, “but them’s the rules.  They can bring in the corpse for autopsy as soon as Homicide is done.  I’d say death was about three days ago; I’ll have the report for you tomorrow.  How’s Jeet doing?  Are you ready, Syl?”
     They both answered her at once.  Syl was ready; Mo’s wife Jeet had finished her physiotherapy.
     Homicide walked in.  “What’s the verdict, Doc?”
     “The coroner’s verdict will state death by homicide, Bert.  The death certificate will have the medical description after I do the autopsy.  A single shot in the back of the head, close range; bullet is still in there, instant death.  Time of death around 8 pm Wednesday, subject to confirmation at autopsy.  Anything else you need, Bert?”
     “Thanks, Kris.  Send the bullet to ballistics, and I’ll call if there’s anything else.”
     Mo was standing in front of the aquarium.  It was a 120 gallon tank, much bigger than his own.  Acanthurus leucosternon and Zebrasoma flavescens, he thought, powder-blue and yellow tangs. Very nice.  Healthy specimens.  Probably hungry, too, though.  There was a can of sera granumix on top of the tank.  He fed the tangs.      
     “You fattening up my dinner, Mo?” asked Bert.  “You don’t eat any fish with your curry, do you?”
     Mo ignored the racism.  “Maybe you should take a quick look at the victim, Bert, so we can get the stinking corpse out of here and get to work.”
     “Who reported the crime?”
     “The ex-wife called in a missing person.  He usually takes his kid out for dinner Wednesday.  He didn’t show this week.  They’ve been divorced ten years, he never missed a day with the kid before.  Fridays, he picks up his other kid at college and brings him home for the week-end.  Didn’t show there either.  No phone calls; no e-mails.  He works midnights as a dispatcher at City Taxi; last shift he worked was Tuesday; he’s off Wednesdays and Saturdays, no show for work Thursday.  Worried ex came by here; the car is downstairs, but no answer at door.  I got the missing person squeal; the super let me in half an hour ago, and here we are.”
     “The door was locked?”
     “Yes.  So somebody locked it on their way out.  It needs a key to lock it.  No sign of forced entry; the vic let whomever in.”
     “Looks like he got shot while mixing a drink for his guest.”
      “Pleasant way to say thanks for the hospitality.”
      “Yeah.  Kris said the death was 8 pm Wednesday; you said he picks up the kid Wednesdays.  Has to be earlier than 8 pm if he’s taking a school kid out to dinner?  Check that.  Did you let the super hang around long enough to ID the body or do we need the ex for that?”
     “The super did the ID.”
     “Do we know of any other next of kin ‘sides the ex and two kids?”
     “Not yet.”
     “Hey, let’s have some volume on that!”, pointing at the television.  Mo turned around.  The TV was showing a bomb scene, with emergency crews removing numerous bodies from what may have been a church.  He walked to the TV.  It was one of the new-fangled ones without manual controls.  “Do you see the remote?”, he asked Bert.
      “Yeah, here on the bar with the other drink.  He musta hit the mute while talking to the perp.  I guess I can turn it up myself.”
     “…and there appear to be no survivors.  More than one hundred members of one of Italy’s oldest families, the Venicis, were attending the wedding of Count Alfonso of Venici with Louise Papadakos, the Greek heiress.  The Venicis had anticipated that this marriage would begin to restore the sagging fortune of their family.  The Count’s brother, Alberto, was one of many who were forced into bankruptcy in the Roma Dome financial scandal which shook the Italian establishment last year…” the announcer intoned as the camera zoomed in on the bloody bride being loaded into one of the ambulances, red stains marring the virgin white dress.
     “Christ, glad that’s not my case”, said Bert, “and I don’t want this one either since I’m still on that pervert case.  You OK with handling this one?”
     “I took the squeal, its my case.”
     “OK.  The lab for prints; interview neighbours; usual routine to find a motive and some suspects.  You know the ropes.  Is this building wheelchair accessible?”
     “Sure, why?”
     “There’s a laptop plugged into that phone over there.  Get Detective Jones up here in his chair to work on that.  And you’re right about the stinking corpse.  I’m done here.”

Copyright © 2003, K’lakokum. 
This has appeared previously in South of Tuk